
Seems to be purely to post misinformation with repeated claims that Russia is innocent and the US caused the Ukraine situation, that they’re stopping Ukraine from agreeing to Russia’s super amazing peacedeals, etc.

This is the sort of garbage one would expect to find on ML or Hex, is CA intended to be the same low quality instance?

  • KingOfTheCouch@lemmy.ca
    3 months ago

    First let me say: I’m glad you’re making this observation. The shitastic propaganda machines need to be called out.

    Now second, I have a point to make but I should give some context first. I already blocked that community and many others about politics and war and crap because I’m just tired of all of it. That said, before I did, it didn’t seem like endless war was all (or even mostly) anti-ukraine in nature. It did seem anti-US but I wasn’t about to go looking into that statistically - just an observation regarding the titles of posts that did percolate up my feed from time to time.

    Now, I’m not an admin here, but if I were (based on experiences in past adminning forums, chatrooms and reddit subs) I would ask for citations and proof of the problem. It’s all well and good to just say “go look for yourself” but people have jobs and other interests. I regularly would ignore these things, but if someone went to the effort to present proof? Then you had my interest. Like, don’t reply to me with it, edit it back in your original post - like I say, I’ve blocked it and I’ve moved on.

    I would be looking to know if there are multiple accounts posting shit or is it one or two “power users” posting the majority of it. Were the mods of the sub alerted to it? (Obvious moot point if it’s the mods posting…) Showing the response from the mods will really sell what tone they’re aiming for in the sub. Hell - if they have it written in their community header info that they are their to pander to putin, that’s evidence too. “Seems to be”, as you wrote, is highly conjectural.

    Anyway, that was my two cents (and, yes, with the state of the dollar and the fact we have no pennies anymore that means it’s worth fuck all.) I wish you good luck in your mission to expose the assholes of the world - we do need to stay vigilant.

    And also because I might not have been clear: fuuuuuuuuuck russia.