They created a department named after a meme coin.
Dept of gov effeciency
Not that crazy but I’d never seen anything like it before.
Over 15 years ago, I was standing in a very long line at St. Basil’s in Moscow. A small pack of tourists (half a dozen or so) started to “sneak” their way into cutting in line. About 30 French people in a tour group immediately started scolding them in loud unison. They shamed them into taking their place at the end of the line. It was such an automatic and united scolding. Highly entertaining.
A fellow traveler, far more experienced than I am, said that the French are known for doing that sort of thing.
Usually French tourists are among the worst behaved, so that’s kinda weird
France is south to the Germans, Swedes etc but north to Italians, Greeks etc. So there are both people trying to cut in line (it can be any one, an old lady or a young person), but then other people fight them back with loud “oh you are in a hurry?!!”, “Oh, we just stand here, not queueing at all!!”, or the “Heey! / Eeh!”
Sort of some urban training it feels like.
France is west of Germany, mein Freund.
Das is richtig mein freund!
Well, the northen france is on pair with southern germany, but the idea here is the north/south differences, where in the north people are on time and follow rules, in the south not so much.
You say germans are not on time?
Das ist nicht sehr höflich.Germans: arrive 20 minutes early because “you never know”
The thing I was trying to convey was, Germans and Swedes follow the rules religiously, south europe not so much.
Switzerland. Taking the very busy cableway down the mountain. People waiting in line to get in. Next stop, I see some people exiting and immediately getting in line again there. Apparently they thought you need to get in line again at every stop. Crazy. Sweet maybe, but crazy.
Kyoto, I’ve seen an older tourist literally stop 2 young ladies in kimonos by holding their hand out in front of them in a stop signal then pull out his camera and take a picture. Not once did he ask them. Treated them like they were characters at Disneyland.
And that’s why foreign tourists are no longer allowed on certain streets there. They ruin it for everyone.
Funnily enough, the two ladies in kimonos were probably tourists too, although maybe domestic ones. It’s a common thing in Kyoto to pay to get dressed up in traditional garb and tour the sights.
Vote to leave Europe and then complain that you lost all benefits living in Benidorm
Brits in Spain are a truly strange bunch. Live in Spain for decades, cannot speak Spanish but complain about immigrants in the UK who manage to speak English.
Vote to leave the EU
The UK is still in Europe
Only because they couldn’t figure out how to leave
A family was trying to have a 3-day-old baguette and breaking their teeth on it
In San Diego, Arizona tourists (who are often fucking pieces of shit) like to walk up to groups of seals (past signs and barriers) to fucking pet them.
Fuck you, Zonies!
I was in the line to get tickets for Leeds Castle in UK. Some guy got off a bus ran past the line to the ticket guy. He started slamming his hands down and yelling “Fish and Chips” over and over again.
The ticket guy wasn’t selling any food and wasn’t going to sell him a ticket unless he got in line. After about 2 minutes of this he just got back on the bus.
Tourists walking though a farmer’s tulip field, trampling the flowers, just to take a stupid picture. Not just one, but dozens of tourists per day.
I’m guessing, Chinese tourists in Holland…
American lady absolutely losing it and hysterically screaming at a McDonald’s cashier for not accepting US dollars. In Ireland.
For a while I worked at a theme park in central Florida. Yeah, it’s that one. Some of the guests went wild.
One time I was walking through a guest area on my way to the break room when a dude pushing a stroller ran into me without looking. Apologies on both sides and then the dude tried to hand me something. I put my hands behind my back as a kind of “no thanks,” we’re not really supposed to take things from guests. I looked down and it was a used diaper. He thought he could just hand a park employee his child’s shit filled Pampers and that we’d take care of it. There was a trash can literally right behind him, but thinking on it later where did he change the diaper? There’s trash cans in the bathrooms and they all have changing stations… did he just change the kid outside? Is that a thing parents do?
Another time I was helping the transportation department during a park closure. Up on the monorail platform I was shoulder to shoulder with like a thousand people. A train arrives, the doors and gates open, and people start boarding. A woman who’d been standing near me stopped at the doors, turned to face me, poked her finger into my chest and shouted “YOU RUINED OUR VACATION!” She stared daggers into my soul as she walked backwards like a Bond villain into the car and continued staring me down as the doors closed and the train left the station. I have no clue who this was or what I had done.
Finally, I had to break up a fight where grown ass adults were yelling at each other and had started spitting on each other’s children (like WTF). No idea who started it or even if the two groups knew each other, but shit was looking to come to blows and the security people weren’t quite there yet. Another park employee and I stepped up between them with a “come on folks” and “this is a place for families.” Both of us were big guys so we made a wall between them, I’m 6’2 and was about 280lbs at the time (128cm [typo edit: 182 lol] and almost 130 kgs [edit for my fellow Americans: that’s about one refrigerator in height and around weight of a Shetland pony]). Saw the parents faces drop from anger to embarrassment immediately realizing how dumb they were being when security jogged up and a manager on a Segway rolled in.
The most magical place in central Florida really brings out the strange in some folks.
Both of us were big guys so we made a wall between them, I’m … 128cm
Hahahaha I know you fixed it, but 128 is 4’2, that’s not even tall for a Hobbit, so I immediately knew you had Missconverted/mistyped the value, but it was hilarious anyways, thanks for leaving it and just adding the correct value after it.
There’s trash cans in the bathrooms and they all have changing stations… did he just change the kid outside? Is that a thing parents do?
Yes. We’re used to no facilities or disgusting facilities and ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Of course you’d have to be an idiot to not take advantage of facilities when they’re available
What really shocked me the whole time I worked there were the number of parents that gave their kids just way too much autonomy… like eight and ten year olds roaming around without a guardian anywhere in sight. It’s not a cruise, the parks are not safe places to do that… there’s Code Adam training for staff and a ton of security, but theme parks attract PDF files by the bus load.
Don’t associate such a good file format with those type of people.
You’ve got to be the only person I’ve ever heard with positive things to say about the PDF format.
I was just about to say that, tis a cursed format.
It has its merits. If I want a document’s formatting to be consistent upon delivery and accessible to anybody with so much as a web browser, I export to PDF.
Somebody once hoisted her skirt up, dropped a diarrhea on the wall in a cave, and continued on with her day as if she hadn’t just committed a speleological war crime.
Out fishing with some buddies on a river popular for its springs and people floating on inner tubes.
Except, we were well south of the exit for tubers to be picked up by the shuttle and taken back to the start, and we start hearing a loud group approaching. Eventually they saw us and loudly spoke to each other saying something about “asking the rednecks”. When they got closer they did, to the point of saying, “Hey rednecks, where is the exit for tubers? Did we pass it or is it coming up?”
They were probably a 20 minute float past the exit. I told them they had about another 20 minutes to go.
“Thank you rednecks!”
Go hiking in insane heat with just a little water bottle. You’re going to die in an area with no cell phone service and it’s going to suck the entire time.
even more, will call emergencies and search & rescue services who will fly helicopters to the back of the mountain to pull out a dumbass wearing flipflops.
in our country it’s not yet charged but in such idiot cases, it should be.
They have to start doing health insurance (which is where an emergency rescue is or should be billed) like car insurance.
If it’s your fault, you have to pay much more.
And if you can’t afford the post your-fault car insurance you don’t get to drive a car, so if you can’t afford the post your-fault health insurance you don’t get to live?
I assumed this was for tourists, so you don’t get to visit other countries anymore.
Not the craziest thing in this thread but inside a train, arguing loudly on the phone.
It sounded like the tourist was scammed or something.