• Shezzagrad@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    Palestine was a place for Jews to live in peace and personally the whole religion war is a smokescreen. You look at the stats you look at the footage and historical texts and historic Palestine was a multi faith and cultural society recognition as important to many faiths. It’s not my place to say but even after all this I wholeheartedly accept Jews in Palestine BUT the Jewish supremcist apartheid state is all of the most evil aspects of European colonialism and nazi Germany/american manifest destiny into one shitty little state. Israel has done nothing for anti semitism and may be the thing that resets the clock back to post Roman conquest levels of Jewish hatred if things don’t change. I don’t want that, all humans are humans and no people are a monolith. I pray for a multi faith Palestine with no supremacy of any people (tho Jewish right to return should be revoked and Palestine right to return established as their actually refugees while vast amount of Jews coming to Israel to settle are dual citizens.