Weather forecast today (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 18°C, max - 24°C. 25% chance of at least 4mm of rain
Whoever you are, you are loved ♥️
Gibson day 2
Her fivehead 😂😂😂
You did some serious over shopping prep didn’t you? 😺
You have no idea lol
Very cute. Would last maybe 3 weeks with my confetti monsters!
She went through it once and that’s it. Took me sooooo long to put together lol
Oh dear. Bit of a situation where the box being more fun than the toy does not exactly pan out
Clearly a thinker
she’s so tiny 😻
Got an interview tomorrow lol
Perfect timing.
Definitely a good idea to keep the momentum going after today’s news!
100% Spoke to a few people today. Everyone i spoke to feels the same. They’re actively on seek on their phones at work lol
These are management people.
if management are fleeing the sinking ship then I would too.
The director (of the company that was bought out) admitted to me at the xmas party that she was burnt out and wanting to quit. The new company treat her like shit apparently.
Good luck buddy. Hope it goes well!
Thanks mate I appreciate it :)
It appears I have a cold on my last day here. 😔 The good news is my fam will look after me real well. 🙂
The kiwis have given you a parting gift of germs? How rude of them. Hopefullly the plane trip back isn’t too uncomfortable!
It’s very early days so not so bad yet.
Cheers guys 🍺
Cheers :)
CHEEEEEEEEEEEERS!!! 🍻🥃🍻🥃🍻 (extra loud cos it has to cross the sea)
No worries cuz 🍺
Cheers 🍺
Oh noes … Came home a bit early so I could regroup and finish off the years tasks quietly. 20 min nap on couch became 2 hour DEEEP sleep with random nightmares and now my neck is cricked and I am discombobulated.
Yep. That was 2024 in a nutshell
add in being disabled by sciatica for months and that’s my year too
( but been an amazing year for personal emotional growth and I’m so lucky to have mr seagooon 🥹 )
Naw. Here’s to Mr Seagoon. 🍺
I think you just summed up my 2024 also.
I felt this comment in my nerve damaged shoulder
Ted looking cute again, this time sprawled on the two ikea storage tables 🙂
Fluffy boy!!!
Have you ever seen a more majestic breakfast? 240g steak, 1 avocado, one smallish zucchini, 200g mushroom, two runny yolk eggs. Butter, salt, pepper. And now I won’t eat until tomorrow! I also won’t get hungry til then either
We approve.
It’s glorious. Just out of curiosity; if you were to go out to a steak house for dinner, would you cut the entire steak into strips before eating?
No. Only reason I do it is to avoid using a plate.after it’s rested I cut it on the chopping board and dump it back into the pan
I didn’t mean anything untoward about it mind I’ve been seeing a trend over the last year or so on Reddit food subs in which people pre cut steak. I occasionally ask why and receive some odd answers.
Your reasoning makes the most sense because you don’t have a plate to wash.
Colesworth et al have been pushing this for a couple of years now. It’s a way to stretch 2 steaks over 3 or 4 people without them noticing or feeling deprived, courtesy of catering magic. Check out any of the coles or woollies magazines over the last 2 years - all the steaks are pre-cut into strips. It’s becoming normal to not serve any one person a whole steak all to themselves. And the supply of steak on the bone has dropped dramatically in the stupormarkets.
The only thing you’re missing are some hash browns!
But that has carbs 😭
Denying yourself potat takes a lot of willpower, I doff my sweaty bucket hat to you
I is impressed.
That looks amaaazing! Hope it was just as tasty as it looked!
Wow! 😲
So. This morning we find out that the awesome manager will no longer be leading our team.
As I mentioned a bit earlier today, she’s the main reason I’ve stuck it out.
Let’s see where the new year will lead. Probably out of this place.
Where are they going? And have they decided who will lead your team?
Stepping back to mainly do director work and the new leader is some lacky from the larger org.
ah good. so they are gonna piss off the clients as well. Brilliant. Why is the company attempting to speed run bankruptcy?
Because they’re now owned by a group of investment bankers. Word is they’ll squeeze every last drop of profit from it and sell it off.
Flexing hydrangeas.
I love hydrangeas ❤️ I have a few, but none the size of dinner plates like yours!
Stunning! I know from experience these are not easy to grow! Tried various locations but was always too sunny or too shady. And I was never great at keeping them as well watered as they need. I’ll just admire other people’s skills!
morning sun, afternoon shade
and lots of high mineral fertilizer, don’t cut back in autumn, cut in early spring when they have buds
I used to grow them 🙂
Oh that’s so luxe. Nice job with the pH (?) variation too.
This is it. One more day between me and holiday (except for whatever little bits I will inevitably need to finish off in the morning.
2 more days on my end.
No one is doing anything on Thursday or Friday.
My last is Friday but tbh no one’s done shit since the Christmas party
Friday as well. Fuck all work actually being done though.
My manager is one of the directors. She’s great but her right hand man resigned and this is her first week without him here at this company.
I’m expecting frustration. Lots of misdirected frustration.
Friday for me, but the factory will cease production Wednesday and the remaining 2 days are to strip down and clean the kitchen 🫧
I finish up on Friday this week, feels like so far away.
Still going right up till next Tuesday, most people are finishing up on Friday, but I’m about 50% checked out. So blah that our workload is worst just before xmas
I don’t have a break except national public holidays 😍
I don’t have a break and am working on the public holidays. Which means lots of penalty rates lining my pocket 😍💰
Ted is so happy sleeping on the terrace among the vegie planters
I know this is an unusual thing to say, but you have beautiful floors
Thanks. That’s just wood tiles I put down on the concrete, they take a fair amount of work to up keep but are worth it. They keep the terrace a cool comfortable place rather than a brick and stone hot box
(Not mine)
Cerys does not believe in personal space
I just had to rescue a frog. In my bedroom. 3 very interested cats, and one squeaky little frog who is now outside. Who needs sleep?
Good job helping the froggo
Froggo jumped on my foot, it felt ick! But he was a good frog and hopped in the glass to be put outside.
frogs are adorable and our frens, they are not ick to the touch
cane toads are evil, not frens
And you should refrain from licking both
Tell the cats that!
You are a good human for helping the frog.
It was my soft marshmallow pawed cat that was ‘patting’ him. Every pat the frog squeaked! I have no idea how he got in the house, or why but he’s out with the pot plants now.
They can climb up through toilets!
Part of the top end experience is going into your bathroom and finding the toilet full of green tree frogs
Staffy got stuck last night. No idea how she managed this one, she’s never put the blanket over her head before.
Yeah nah. Still made in Australia. Cheeky buggers.
Well I guess we DO have a history of claiming New Zealanders as our own, so it’s only fair =)
Bullshit. Give me an example? 😂
Macca’s have a kiwi burger out. Something about beetroot and egg being kiwis best combo since the 90s something something. It was implied the kiwis thought up this brilliant combo. I don’t even like beetroot and I saw red. 🤬
As a fellow beetroot-hater I’d also still be annoyed at that!
The young Seagoons tell me everything is so expensive in NZ and many things are just unavailable.
A friend of ours has a NZish missus so they went to live there for a while. He said it was so expensive that their main form of entertainment was going for a walk
The touristy places and attractions are.
they were talking about groceries
Ohhh I just thought of something I meant to ask you to keep an eye out!! Have you seen a Lasagne Topper’s anywhere?! They’re this batshit little fried slab of beef and cheese and I didn’t learn about them until after my last trip there!
No I haven’t but that does appeal to me.