I don’t need a lecture about the event that I was a part of and left the site over lol. I was one of those mods. Look at my username - spez called us “Landed Gentry” during it.
I agree moderation has gotten a lot worse because of the exit of institutional knowledge/people who cared (as self-serving as that perspective is).
I don’t need a lecture about the event that I was a part of and left the site over lol. I was one of those mods. Look at my username - spez called us “Landed Gentry” during it.
I agree moderation has gotten a lot worse because of the exit of institutional knowledge/people who cared (as self-serving as that perspective is).
My question is: why are you still there?
Because Reddit is still the only place with large enough communities of various special interests.
Guarantee you you don’t need reddit for them.
Sure mate.
Feel free to be the little junkie spez knows you are no matter how little respect they show the community.