This book
Tells you how to handle this, along with everything else you need to know to rebuild all systems in society from scratch should there be some sort of time machine based accident. It’s a good read!
There’s also [The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Our World from Scratch](!wiki The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Our World from Scratch) by Lewis Dartnel. Great book
This book Tells you how to handle this, along with everything else you need to know to rebuild all systems in society from scratch should there be some sort of time machine based accident. It’s a good read!
This book tells you that it’s really, really fucking hard.
The fact that neither of these is the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy makes me weep for mankind. Where’s my overpass!?
This is good stuff!
Edit - now i need a big ass tattoo and a time machine
Eat lots of fat and protein if you want a big ass. I suggest pizza with eggs.
There’s also [The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Our World from Scratch](!wiki The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Our World from Scratch) by Lewis Dartnel. Great book
I read this recently. It’s great, though I think it could give clearer instructions with more diagrams, and cover some subjects a lot better