For me it was the fact that I would always be slower than everyone else and I would have to put in twice the effort.
People are disappointing, even family
Disappointing doesn’t even feel like a strong enough word.
How about disgustipated?
I feel this in my soul unfortunately. Learned some wild stuff about my family not too long ago and it’s hard to reconcile things now.
Same, not recent but I have a long list of eye opening facts I’ve collected throughout my life. Eventually you just accept it all. It’s not been easy to get to this point, it took a lot of mental anguish to get this numb to it all.
Blood doesn’t make someone family; the bonds we form with someone make them family.
It’s been 9 years, I’m married again (happily), and my ex-wife is never coming back.
It’s difficult to go from best friends who tell eachother everything, to strangers.
It took a lot of therapy for me to realize that we both played a part in our marriage ending, and it wasn’t all my fault. But, I also learned in the process that my childhood really screwed me up, and I needed to deal with it, and reconcile with the fact that I didn’t have a loving childhood. The abuse, both verbal, physical, and sexual has had a lasting effect on me as an adult.
But, most importantly, I learned that I can heal from all of it, and grow as a person.
I think she’s happy now, and so am I. So even though I still miss her once im a while, I know things worked out for the best.
I’m honestly happy for you mate, glad you are happy again 💯
People die unexpectedly. Tell anyone and everyone that you love verbally that you love them (even if it’s man to man). Don’t leave anyone guessing as to how you felt about them.
Not everyone is a friend for life, even if you’ve been friends for 5/10/20/40/80 years.
People change and you can’t control that.
Recording the people you love speaking; preferably while you ask them about their lives. See #1
Would really suck to be betrayed after eighty years of friendship.
Not on that level but I’ve lost a friend because we were both a little stubborn. I’ll be the first to admit I didn’t handle the situation well (granted, we were all drunk).
But, that friend also needs to acknowledge that they too did not handle what happened in the best way and not double down by threatening to sue other friends that were at the event for a orior year’s issue.
It’s a giant mess. The last thing I told them ~2.6 years ago was that this didn’t have to be a friendship ending event. And here we are; haven’t spoken since then. Some days I miss them and other days I wonder if I’m better off without them and the energy they bring.
Uh…what happened?
That’s all I have to say about that.
That America is a failed country, and there’s no point to staying and fighting if I can get out
I really wish I had a feasible way out.
It’s that i won’t be having a long full life like my parents and I will have a much suffering up to my painful death.
Here’s to you, Nicolo and Bart,
Rest forever, here in our hearts,
The last and final moment is yours,
And agony is your triumph
I’ll never be the same again after my brain injury.
In some ways thats a good thing but Im not 100# sure I’ll get all the walking stuff back exactly
probably that the majority of people are self serving and extremely fake. it’s pretty insane how many “activists” there are that hate the people they supposedly want to protect.
That happens because it’s a social act. People who don’t want to, but have to due to some sort of obligation or as an indirect action towards achieving something else.
Activism is a chore they have to do, so without people in charge sincere in what they do and aware of this type of obligation, any attempt at serious activism will end up half-baked and likely to do more harm than good.
It’s tough to find people who do something for the sake of it and not as a springboard meant to pursue other interests.
Good observation. At least with some of the more rational Republicans that I have conversed with over the years in the US, that has been one of their complaints with people on the left. That is where some of them come up with “nanny state” (setting aside that they have dozens of other ways they would love to create a nanny state themselves).
Where will be a last time we do something in our lives for everything
One day your parents put you down for the last time and never picked you back up.
That i wasnt born the opposite gender and that i was born in a transphobic country
Im sorry you have to deal with that. If i could take that away, I would. There are still people that support you <3
I won’t be a father and possibly not even an uncle.
Realizing that I’ll never be able to achieve any of my previous hopes or “dreams”, it’s too late, and that life is fundamentally uneven and unfair.
Similarly, realizing there’s no sense of “karma” or balance in real life, it’s just a crutch that people can use to justify or rationalize things.They never loved me and I’ll be ok without them
Lemmy loves you.
The fact I don’t have chocolate right now
If I have chocolate it’s usually for a very short period of time
It is very hard and sad, knowing my house has no easily consumed chocolate.
I could make some chocolate peppermint crinkle cookies but that would take awhile… why can’t chocolate just appear next to me right next to my drink! Alas.
You know what? Do it! It will be fun! Put on some music, start baking and at the end you’ll have cookies for days + you can share with people
Once all my cooking bowls are cleaned, I’ll make some! We had waffles this morning, so all the cooking bowls are dirty.
Oh right Ihad some chocolate on those waffles.
I need more! We all need more.
Must have more
That an unfortunately large portion of my family are stupid MAGA’ts. I always knew they weren’t exactly tip top in the faculties department but they usually had the right directions. That’s shits completely gone now. Sort of in relation to that. Just how dumb the average level is. The lack of troubleshooting capabilities, the disregard of knowledge, the irrational hate for the ‘other’ the just complete contempt for anyone who doesn’t directly effect you day to day. The schdenfraude from the faceless trump voters is a nice trickle but it’s becoming maddening how much of it there is. I’m finally beginning to understand the need for so much history in school. Unfortunately there is an uncomfortably large portion of the population that simply can’t learn from words and can only understand experience. It almost feels like a hidden great filter.
That ultimately, no matter how many people I surround myself with, I will always feel alone.
It might be time to talk to a professional about that.
Tuesday, actually. Really.
Good and I’m/we’re here to talk if you need it.