The phrases (And the totally unnecessary racial qualifiers) may be but I’m pretty sure men are conditioned to suppress their emotions anywhere there’s patriarchy, which is most places these days.
Lol I edited my reply to add mention of the odd racial qualifiers just as you wrote the same. Microblog format seems to encourage weird and inaccurate racial group roundup phrases like that. Black american men absolutely do this shit too.
The phrases (And the totally unnecessary racial qualifiers) may be but I’m pretty sure men are conditioned to suppress their emotions anywhere there’s patriarchy, which is most places these days.
You’re probably correct - but there are underlying reasons for such circumstances that aren’t all necessarily patriarchal.
I was mainly amazed that - apparently - all “white boys” can speak English. That’s, uh, not my experience.
Lol I edited my reply to add mention of the odd racial qualifiers just as you wrote the same. Microblog format seems to encourage weird and inaccurate racial group roundup phrases like that. Black american men absolutely do this shit too.