For over a year, I’ve been working on a project called “bestof”, which is a product recommendation site detailing the “best” things in each and every category. I’ve recently included prices as well thanks to a suggestion from a comment. I’m also planning a high-contrast mode, because right now it’s all just green.
I would like some feedback, specifically on the bike section. Are my picks terrible (most probably are), and if so, what else do you suggest? Do you have any feedback on the site as a whole?
Thanks for your help!
Hey, are you aware of a site called the wirecutter? If so, what do you think about it? Are your prices coming dynamically from an API?
prices are not dynamic unfortunately, I just searched the prices on either the brand’s website or a relevant retailer (Amazon, B&H Photo, Crutchfield, etc.)
Wirecutter I’ve heard of, they at least seem more trustworthy than other reviewers that base their picks on what gives them the most affiliate revenue.
I would say Wirecutter does best when reviewing things like bed sheets and hair dryers (typical everyday stuff). Things like audio I would rather watch a dedicated reviewer over Wirecutter.
Also, keep in mind that Wirecutter does use affiliate links, so make sure to see other reviews as well :)
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