I am curious if the majority of leftist people don’t actually want children haha. There doesn’t seem to be any studies about it, but my convos with leftists is that most don’t seem to want to have children either for the uncertainty of the future or because they are too expensive or because it wouldn’t give them too much time to organize or whatever other reason that I forgot about.
I personally lean on not having children because I have been laid off of several jobs and having someone financially dependent to me scares the shit out of me and would put my stress levels through the roof.
We were thinking of having kids, but things became harder financially, and we really began to enjoy our free time. Plus we have a few friends with kids, and they don’t seem very happy, and nephews. So like, that’s probably enough.
I was abused by my family growing up and am worried that I wouldn’t know how to be a good parent. That is the main personal reason I don’t want to have children.
I also don’t think it’s a good idea for societal reasons. With the way things are currently going, in my opinion there is a near zero chance that upper Gen Alpha/Gen Beta is going to have a pleasant future and wouldn’t want to put a child through that.
I never really wanted children and I am still leaning towards that, together with my partner, though things might change in the next few years. It’s not that we hate children or something, not at all. We have wonderful kids in the family. Just not interested in having them myself.
If none of you are interested in children, why do you think that things may change in the future?
No idea. We’re both young enough not to worry about kids that much so maybe in a few years when we’re older thing have changed. We’ll see how it goes.
No way. Can’t even handle myself 24/7, let alone a child with me. Having a child under the nuclear family model is more responsibility than most humans can handle. But I like dealing with children for limited amounts of time, so I could always help out family or close friends with theirs, besides all the students I’ll have in the near future.
However my utopia world would be one where children are raised by the community rather than the birther and maybe the birther’s partner. That’s one thing I miss from rural life.
I’m not really interested in having sex, but there are certainly other ways of having kids. I just also don’t think I am (or likely ever will be) in a mentally stable enough position that I feel like I could care for a child. I can barely care for myself and require a good amount of support to do so. So no, kids are very likely not in my future.
I would like to have a kid, but can’t afford to. My wife also is trying to get her career off the ground and so we are not really in the best position. I’m well off enough for our current life, but if we move to a bigger space and have to start paying for all that is required, the math doesn’t math anymore.
Maybe in a few years we’ll reconsider before we are too old
I was going to write a long drawn out wall of text to explain my thoughts and reasoning, but to just summarize…
I would have liked to have had kids years ago, but I also knew that the future for any kid is going to be grim. They should not have to be forced to deal with the societal and environmental collapse that is guaranteed to happen. Especially for my country there is a zero chance that kid will have a good life. So I just won’t. Maybe I’ll adopt, since at least that’s saving a victim and not contributing to more miserable children, but I cannot conciously bring a child into this existence which I have no hope for.This is the perspective of someone who doesn’t see a future for their country. There are still places in the world that still have hope for their civilizations. I just have none for mine.
I could afford a wife and kids and am not opposed to it, but I am just too unlikable for that to even matter. Lol
I had abusive parents, so I wouldn’t know where to begin with raising a kid. If I was even 1% as bad as they were I would consider myself a failure. Much better to just not bring someone into this world than to fuck them up as bad as I was, or fuck them up in strange new ways that I could never see coming.
It would be very difficult but if all the chips fall into place I do like the idea of having kids someday. ^^
I had an abusive parent so I wouldn’t know what to do with children even if I had them. I don’t even know how to interact with other people’s children, so I instinctively avoid them. Also I find a lot of people’s children to be annoying/exhausting. I think seeing parents playing with their kids is nice, but I can’t ever imagine being in such a position myself. All I have right now is myself and I don’t see that changing.
Asexual reproduction is impossible for humans so even if in some alternative timeline I wanted, I can’t. But I wouldn’t either way.
Admittedly it’s not just kids, for me there’s literally no point in marriage, having kids, any non-familiar/friendly relationship etc, and all that stuff, concept’s completely alien to me.
Besides I’m not a fan of little kids in general, past like 10-11 they’re totally alright, but younger no way.
Part of me would have liked to have kids but given the material conditions of my life it would have likely ended up as a miserable story.
Early in my life my parents were taught the lesson of precarity under capitalism. I picked up the lesson and I could never shake it. As I came to working age I knew that no matter how hard I worked chances were good that everything I had built up would be dashed away. I could see that there was no way I (or most most millennials without generational wealth) would ever own a home. My future was quite obviously to work hard so landlords, capitalists and petti bourgeoise could live comfortable lives. I didn’t put it in these terms at the time but wrecking my mental and physical health supporting the rich and producing one or more future laborers for capitalism to exploit seemed stupid. Instead I did personal austerity and worked as little as possible.
The only way to minimise your losses when you are forced to play a rigged game is to play as little as possible.
My lady never wanted kids for her own reasons and that’s fine with me.
Partner and I recently had our first kid, and it’s the best thing we’ve ever done. Also the most stressful.
We did wait though until our mid thirties, and that seems to be more normal now. I can’t imagine having a kid when my parents did, I don’t know how people can afford that now.
I want kids but my girlfriend is unsure. I just really want to be a father and the responsibilities associated with it.
It is beautiful when your son/daughter utter the words father/mother. Mine did it yesterday