Kalani keeps saying Asuelu cheated 12 times, but she also alluded to his ‘cheating’ in America as online chats with cam-girls? She makes it sound like he physically cheated 12 separate times. What’s the real story here? I know chatting with girls could be considered cheating…but I feel like she’s intentionally making it sound like it was ‘physical’ cheating, to justify her own behaviour. Thoughts?
Emotional cheating is still cheating
Does Asuale have emotions to cheat with? I’m semi convinced that if you opened up his head it would be as hollow as his beloved coconuts.
I thought coconuts are full of water?
Where is the line drawn though? Angela blowing up on Michael because the other guys called him while they were at the strip club kinda surprised me… but then I remembered it’s Angela and she looks for reasons to be mad.
FAKE FAKE FAKE that entire ridiculous SCENE was plotted, scripted etc
I mean, plenty of women out there might get upset at their guy just chilling at a strip club. Fewer would get mad about homies calling a mofo when he wasnt even their lol. Saw some show, may have been some TLV shit but i dont remember. Dudes wife was pissed at him for jerking off because “thats cheating”. I think most folks would consider that way past the line of reasonable.
There’s no emotional cheating when he buying girls’ online content unless he was mainiting relationships with them.