I can’t decide who is more ridiculous out of this couple. Justin is a transphobic dating a trans woman. It is obvious he is repulsed by her. Nikki not only looks ridikkulous but is not right in the head for dating a transphobic guy and then thinks it somehow socially acceptable to meet his friends and immediately start complaining to them that Justin won’t eat her out. Kudos to the friend standing at the bar listening to all this without barfing into her drink.

  • mongoosedog12@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    You comment about Igor (justin) being transphobic, not here to argue it because i think taking time to process a lie is normal and I feel like he was assaulted because she did not disclose who she was… so yes sorry he’s not eager to munch on her box.

    But I’m here to say I think Nikki knows this is a possibility from the men she chooses to dates… and maybe even wants it.

    She says she wants to date straight men. Now in 2023 I understand how that can mean a lot of things to a lot of people. But she’s older, so I’m assuming when she says that, she understands some men who identity as straight would not date/ have sex with a trans person.

    She lies about being trans. If wanting acceptance from your partner was a priority why would you lie about who you are for so long? Especially at your big age. Because maybe it’s actually not something you care about until you can weaponize it.

    This leads me to believe that she knows the type of men she goes for could be transphobic,and either she doesn’t care or it’s some game to her. If she acts sexual enough they’ll forget or be “accepting” of her. And as I type this out maybe she is just a serial rapist by not allowing her partners to give full consent. I understand there are some people who do not feel they need to “disclose” that they are trans… but people consent when they feel they know the full truth and have all the facts. She lied and then weaponized it later.