I can’t decide who is more ridiculous out of this couple. Justin is a transphobic dating a trans woman. It is obvious he is repulsed by her. Nikki not only looks ridikkulous but is not right in the head for dating a transphobic guy and then thinks it somehow socially acceptable to meet his friends and immediately start complaining to them that Justin won’t eat her out. Kudos to the friend standing at the bar listening to all this without barfing into her drink.

  • Nef-1@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Nikki is verbally and emotionally abusive to Justin (even not accepting his real name of Igor); I do not see him as transphobic, so much as being from an old-fashioned, very conservative culture and trying to make things work quite courageously, I think. Nikki fails to realize when others think she doesn’t look like a “real woman” it is not that she’s “clocked” it is that she wears so much makeup, tight, gaudy clothes and has so much facial filler, etc that of course she’s going to get stared sat - even here! It’s so sad that she does not see that Igor/Justin really seems to be in love with her, but she’s sabotaging it with all sorts of complaints, (while ridiculously claiming he does that); and going from 1 to 10 - she acts like a “Twink” - (I know what I’m talking about) - a spoiled femme-y gay man who can’t get enough sex, has daddy issues and is on waaaaay too many hormones causing severe mood swings and hissy fits. Nikki needs a reality check. When “Justin” joked that he wanted to hit the “eject” button, it was a cute and humorous way, I thought, of trying to get her to stop berating him, en route to meet his parents, no less. Instead of thinking about how the parents are important; how the topic of having children might (likely, I’m guessing) come up…and so many other things, all she’s thinking about is her voracious sexual needs. I understand what he means by how her constant erupting and whingeing about sex and threatening to leave (!) is NOT an aphrodisiac - FAR FROM IT and would take most people time and quite a bit of it to get over - and it would take her to stop nagging him. BTW, I’m feminist, queer, sex-poz. I can also spot emotional abuse and hormone abuse when I see both. Lighten up, Nikki. He loves you. You are ruining everything. You say you will compromise? Good - but you’re not doing it graciously. Nothing like a whiney resentment criticizing your lover’s moves or “lack of” to ensure killing the feeling - hopefully not permanently. On top of it, threatening to leave him constantly? Erupting in yelling constantly? Nikki, HELLOooooo - anyone home in that GRRR-L brain?