• 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 27th, 2023


  • I think it’s always better to chase your dreams rather than be left with the what-ifs in life. Time passes anyway so you might as well spend it working toward your London goal.

    But I also think its important to remember that realistically, dreams sometimes end up being just that: a dream. So we have to find ways to carve a life path that allows us to chase our dreams but find sustainability and happiness regardless of if we ever achieve it.

    Some of the most important questions to ask yourself are these:

    1. If you get the embassy position but never get the transfer to London approved, would you still be ok with working at the embassy longer term? If not, would the skills you gained be easily transferrable to a better career?

    2. What would a reasonable timeline look like to chase the dream - for instance, if you get the job with the embassy, how long are you willing/able to wait for a transfer?

    3. In the years before even being able to apply for your transfer, would the embassy job pay enough to be sustainable? What will daily life look like for you and how will it change?

    4. Is it more likely for you to simply apply weekly for London jobs and find one that will sponsor your visa, versus the probability of the embassy job+transfer working out?

  • I had an absolute mental CRISIS the first week when I moved from the US to France. I couldn’t bring myself to get out of bed, questioned everything that led me to that decision, wanted to just book a flight out immediately. I remember on day 4 or 5 feeling like I had been there for week because every day felt so long. I wasn’t eating/could barely stomach the thought of food and was so overwhelmed with fears and with all of the new sights…sounds…people…fears. Add on the timezone difference to family/friends and I was convinced my life was over. It does get better I promise! Try Bumble BFF app, it’s commonly used in a lot of the US and it will help you make friends. Each time you leave your new home and make it back safely will feel like an accomplishment - leave as often as you can to encourage yourself to know that you can! Some other ideas:

    *Go to your nearest Target, grab a coffee at Starbucks there, and just stroll around. *Find a walking trail nearby and go for an afternoon walk *Go see a movie! *Go to Barnes & Noble and read for a while in their cafe *Look up where you could go for a little weekend trip nearby and start planning a trip. Even if you cant go for a while, planning it can bring excitement. *Start making a journal of nearby necessities: Where the doctors/urgent care centers are, grocery stores, bakeries, etc. Even having that knowledge ready and available can lower your stress level.