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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 2nd, 2023

  • I feel like a few things will really draw me in with a book and make it stand out, but I feel like one of the big intangibles that really matters is having a certain almost musical rhythm and flow to how it is written. And I don’t mean flowery language (hell, Dr Seuss manages excellent flow through silly, simple rhymes, and I was argue that this is a big reason why they have remained so popular). I mean that there is something about how it is written (the words, the transitions, the structure) that moves according to such a natural rhythm that it draws you into the story and out of yourself. Then, once you’ve been lulled into forgetting that you are reading at all, the story itself is free to impact you as if everything was actually really happening to you. Of course, now that I’m trying to think about it, I’m having a hard time coming up with a really good example of this. But yeah, if I can get caught up in the flow of the words and story, I’m going to get much more immersed and the book will end up sticking with me more.

  • As a kid, I was obsessed with just about any book with animals in it (including non-fiction reference books). Especially horses and wolves, but really anything, including fantasy animals (I especially loved dragons and unicorns). My cousin once lent me her copy of Into the Land of the Unicorns and I read it 21 times. It was so bedraggled by the time I was ready to return it, I ended up buying a fresh copy for my cousin and keeping the ratty one myself.

    Thankfully, I started expanding my horizons a lot more in middle school. But animal books still factor heavily in my reading habits.

  • Seriously, I almost feel like they are police propaganda sometimes. They want us all to believe that it is a-okay to go full vengeful street gang when a cop is hurt, or to ignore all procedure and evidence and just go with your gut (aka lean into your personal prejudices), or cover up each other’s crimes because cop-to-cop loyalty is the ultimate virtue. It genuinely pisses me off sometimes (I want to yell at the screen “you are not the good guys here!”)

  • For me, it was the Expanse series. I was really struggling, and I found that my primary form of self soothing (reading books) had become suddenly impossible. I was too restless and agitated, I couldn’t focus, I could barely manage listening to an audiobook while working with my hands, but then I would get overwhelmed by the noise and have to turn it off and start fretting again. Yet I was desperate to get my brain to stop spinning. Then, one day I picked up Leviathan Wakes and something just clicked in my brain. I’m not really into SciFi, but this one caught my attention and I became immersed in it in a way that I hadn’t managed for quite a while. I ended up devouring the series, so grateful to have finally found something that pulled me out of everything that was going on.