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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • There was a really good article on this and unfortunately I can’t find it now to share

    But the gist was that Titan exploited a bunch of loopholes, among other things. The paying customers on the sub were in fact ‘marine researchers’ who coincidently made a donation, and things like that

    Some of the people who were at one point involved but left due to safety concerns raised the issue with OSHA (? - or whoever the more specific body was) who repeatedly failed to investigate or take any action

    So for me, whether or not they are able to charge the company, the industry regulators and government bodies overseeing them need to face some questions and judgements too (though it would take a more knowledgeable person than me to know what exactly that looks like)

  • I’d like to recommend The Trojan Horse Affair. Its a limited series and a few years old now, but a a really interesting listen

    Its about the scandal in the UK in 2013, where an anonymous letter ‘exposed’ an Islamist conspiracy in Birmingham schools to radicalise children.

    The investigation in the podcast is helmed by two people; a rookie journalism grad who is muslim, and an experienced white journalist. The contrast in perspectives and emotion between them adds to it

    And yeah it’ll probably make you angry, and for those not in the UK it might key you in a bit on the tensions that do and don’t exist with British Muslims, how they’re viewed and treated by lots of parties here (including the Government)

  • It’s kind of complicated in the UK - parts of both the left and right have issues. Some reasonable, some less so, etc

    Around the same time of the original proposal for National ID, the government lost discs containing the data (including NI numbers and even bank account details) of 25m people, 7.25m familes. They were literally lost in the post. Understandably this made a lot of people sceptical about ‘the government’s ability to protect it’s data’

    It was already an unpopular idea. A lot of this was kind of libertarian-y people, combined and heightened by a post-WWII fear of having to carry ‘papers’ and present them for identification. How reasonable this fear is/was is up for debate, but for better or worse it was a big part of the conversation.

    Then in the years since there’s been more concerns raised: things like the Windrush Scandal. In case you’re unaware, basically a lot of immigrants from the Caribbean who had been here for decades, sometimes nearly their whole lives, and who thought they were Citizens, were apparently not. There were pensioners who lived here since they were kids and who followed all the correct procedures getting deported to places they had never meaningfully lived in.

    Some people say that a National ID would have prevented this - but others say that since the UK is apparently so inept at dealing with this data, it’s just more evidence that we could end up in a system whereby if you can’t get a card for whatever reason, you could face discrimination or even prosecution.

    So yeah I guess it basically comes down to a distrust of the government combined with a British Libertarian mythos

    For what its worth, personally I don’t think a National ID inherently poses any problems that don’t already exist between documentation and our data being collected online etc. But I’ll admit that on a gut level I don’t like the idea, even if that’s a bit irrational



  • Well, they were British chefs with South Asian heritage who of course were indirectly here because of horrific Imperialism

    But it is British, its very British. Despite what Farage and co want you to believe, we’re a multi-cultural nation and have been for centuries.

    British-Indian cuisine is at this point distinct and diverse enough from traditional Indian cuisine that it is its own thing. And its super widespread - even the racists discuss how shitty they are over a curry