Zachary Levi is a Trumper though, so fuck 'em and his christo-fascist ass. I fuckin loved chuck and Tangled too. Dude hung out with the other, other Baldwin for too long.
Fetal alcoholism awareness.
Jesus, so gay even your theory can’t be straight?
Good news. It’s not under its own power.
Bad news, those are maggots. They innocolate (?) the cheese with maggots. (clean, tbf they’re food grade) And they make it very creamy. By eating it, and excreting it. Yum yum.
Might I offer you some fine casu martzu?
Is there racism in a place that sells soap to whiten your skin? I don’t think so…
“Those Delaware taxes should be texas’”
My grandma had polio, God I wish we had the rods used to straighten her spine, Id love to beat someone specific with it.
Cash for kids? Someone’s gotta be out there to out compete Gaetz.
He’s top cop, that means he’s gotta be home to beat his wife in time.
Be the change you want to see in the world
And super Brooklyn. “Let’s cosplay as the poors!”
It’s Indian curry by way of white people, readapted to the Japanese… It most certainly IS white-washed. They just dyed it back to make it less white.
Mate, have you not seen interior Chinatown? Spaniards? Really? That’s your choice of a underrepresented people? The dudes that raped two continents and named half those areas after themselves. They have their representation. Hawaiian? The “actor” The Rock exists… yeah. We should do better for Hawaiians.