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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 29th, 2023


  • And it’s absolutely insane. What’s worse is that a lot of them don’t even REALIZE they are doing it - because it’s so normal just to attack women for being themselves and not doing what misogynistic men want. This is how awfully women are still treated in 2023. Just fucking depressing. And we’re the only people who can stand up and stop this treatment - but most of us just continue to go along with it…

  • I’ve said it many times before and I’ll say it again! People just love to think that their own situation will be different because nOt AlL mEn FrOm iNdIa are the same!! lol these are what I like to call overly positive personalities. And because they refuse to see red flags in any situation they always get themselves in deep shit and then cry to reddit, “But why me!!! I thought it would be different for me!!!”

  • Because people, no matter whether they are a man or a woman, like to nitpick on ANY part of a female’s personality that they don’t agree with. The men are misogynists and the other women want to “be chosen” by these misogynistic men so they will agree with them left and right without knowing the full context of the situation. They think, “Woman bad! She’s crazy!” or anything along those lines. If it was a different reality show with a different couple, people will ALWAYS make fun of the woman first.