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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023


  • I think one of the weaknesses of some classics from this time period is that they were serialized, which means that they didn’t have the benefit of developmental editing. Some installments are brilliant and some are less so, giving an uneven feeling to the book. I read The Idiot earlier this year with r/ClassicBookClub, and I’ll speak on that rather than C&P since it’s been years since I read that. The Idiot has marvelous characters and a compelling plot. There are sections that are, indeed, quite brilliant. The opening chapters and the closing chapters in particular are memorable and beautifully crafted. In between are chapters that are delightful and chapters that were clearly the author just vamping because the muse had failed him that week. The author himself admitted that it was a failed experiment. In summary, I think there are some really good reasons why literature isn’t serialized like this anymore, and the reader benefits from that change. I would love to see what The Idiot could have become if Dostoevsky had the benefit of working through several complete drafts and then working revisions with a really talented editor.

  • Try these two subs: r/IReadABookAndAdoredIt - people give a short review of the book that they read and loved - and r/52book where people share what they are reading.

    Also, even Monday in this sub, people post what they’ve been reading in the last week. Quite a number of those people will give a short review.

    I also enjoyed The Shell Collector. Quite different from the Wool series. He has another interesting one called The Hurricane. And don’t sleep on Beacon 23.