They were also wise to not have revealed the Switch 2 any earlier, because it would have jeopardized sales of the Switch 1. Enough companies have made this mistake in the past.
Ah, the Osborne effect…
They were also wise to not have revealed the Switch 2 any earlier, because it would have jeopardized sales of the Switch 1. Enough companies have made this mistake in the past.
Ah, the Osborne effect…
It’s worth noting that this is a new line of ThinkPad, there’s a bunch of existing lines that will all keep the classic look. Though I feel like the name X9 isn’t great, but whatever.
Shouldn’t Poland be light blue, like the stripes in Belarus? Doesn’t seem to match the rest of the green areas.
What’s actually infuriating are those bar charts.
I googled this story to, uh, fact check it, and found this article saying that her move to OF is fake news. Except, upon closer examination, it seems the article is AI slop and completely made up. How ironic.
A DE has little to do with this, it’s a driver, it gets loaded when you plug in a compatible device, there’s no interaction. This should have been disabled 2 years ago when the gaping security holes were found, and actually Greg had attempted to have it disabled in 2022 but it kept getting pushed back.
I wish people would remember that after 8 years of explaining.
Well there’s no shortage of those, and they’re unusually cheaper too (unless they’re specced out). I prefer a thin silent one myself, so I welcome this innovation.
The issue isn’t just a simple oversight. Git includes the file name as part of the tree and commit hash. The hash has security implications. There’s really no way to make the hash support case insensitivity without opening up a multitude of holes there. So there will always be a mismatch, and you can’t just fix it without changing how git works from the ground up.
Mediatek has been making phone SoCs since forever now, they have two lines - Helios and Dimensity. They’re used in many phones, usually on the lower end. Even Samsung uses them. Both lines have abysmal custom rom support compared to Snapdragon phones, so I don’t think you can hope for much there.
I just don’t have a wife. Even more secure.
We did it, reddit NYPD!
That’s what I signed up for.
and were to be distributed near German boiler rooms where it was expected they would be disposed of by burning, with the subsequent explosion having a chance of causing a boiler explosion
Wouldn’t it have been easier and more effective to just make them coal shaped?
Just recently I had a tech store guy gently but repeatedly insist to me that a certain USB cable was a USB 3 cable because it was type C on both ends. I didn’t wanna argue with him, but the box clearly said “480 Mbit”, so it was just a type C charging cable.
Of course the box designers were hoping you’d make that mistake so they didn’t write USB 2 on there, just the speed. And most boxes won’t even have that, you’ll just have to buy it and see.
But I mean if someone who spent their whole life fixing computers can get something that basic wrong, then it’s really a hopeless situation for anyone who isn’t techy.
And of course once it’s out of the box it’s anyone’s guess what it is. It’s a real mess for sure.
Hate to say it, but if they do chop off Android, it can only become worse as it would now need to make loads of money or go under. Both of which would be terrible for any end user.
And if they bunch up google play together with Android, it would result in even tighter integration of the two, which is how Android got bad in the first place.
Yeah, it seems the sensor costs as much as a decent used camera.
The earlier parts of this lecture by Irving Finkel talk about what happened when they first translated the more original flood story from stone tablets in 1872. And the rest of the lecture is a nice story about an adventure, so I can only recommend watching the whole thing.
Have you heard about them bombing Lebanon yesterday though, or even for the last few months? It got a passing mention and only in the context of “this might cause Iran to respond”. And there’s a few more flags on that picture.
As they point out at the end, this wasn’t about the old control panel, but the new settings panel. It’s all brand new code.