But you uttered an opinion about moderation. So address my point.
But you uttered an opinion about moderation. So address my point.
Most? Well not my conversations.
Maybe it’s a smalltalk vs “largetalk” thing. Maybe most conversations are smalltalk. Talk that’s just friendly noise or whatever.
That is a territory with which I am pretty unfamiliar.
But ya, 2 totally different kinds of talk.
Maybe trolling constitutes a 3rd variety.
Well there is no clean connection between the rule and reality (short of forbidden word lists anyway). It’s always a matter of somebody’s interpretation.
Some communities have rules like “don’t be a dick”, which seems implied.
Maybe rules are inappropriate here. At best a justification.
Actually it ain’t. Good, catch
What if they got off topic. What would happen?
Also, do you think that you understand their conversation better than they do? All of them?
But it’s a very good guideline for people who, like moderators, have power and imperfect understanding. It’s saying, “when in doubt, err on the side of least possible harm”. So that’s a good guide. Right?
Instead of doctors we’d have AI controlled animatronics doing the deed.
be in the community but secretly …
Oh that will work out just fine.
That is a very popular word lately
So you want to shape us.
How about just letting us talk?
But if they’re saying the wrong stuff then I get to hit them with my modhammer. Right?
Influence, narrative-control, hurting the other tribe, control over a little domain. Those are good pay for some people.
And sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference.
What do you do when that happens? What guides do you look to?
If you trust this person to tell you, and everybody else here, how to speak, then either your speech is worthless to you or this conversation is worthless to you.
It’s a metaphor for the intellect. A hundred competing thoughts, like writhing snakes. You are frozen by indecision.
But that’s mythology for you. Literalised metaphors and vice versa.
I worry about money.
We like music for the same reason we like games, stories and successfully accomplishing tasks.
It’s the vibe that it evokes.
Patterns evoke a vibe too.
Vibe = poetry emotion energy.
It’s a sensation like sight, sound, smell etc. Just a different kind.
I think you’re just not high enough. I’m serious. When you are good and high the problem is that you are too enthusiastic and energetic.
Yes, drugs. But there’s better.
Healthy food. Art. Working out regularly. Getting sun. Meditation. All that stuff will get you high.
Remember kids, the most powerful propaganda is the kind you never see.
It’s just the truth. And everybody who disagrees is obviously insane.
So it really is oxymoronic?
Do you think it’s a conscious plan to mindcontrol everybody or is it just a basement dweller treating his mod powers like the ultimate downvote?