When I die I hope it’s doing 2 of my favourite activities- sitting and doing nothing.

Also available here- @quinacridone@mander.xyz

  • 991 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 16th, 2022


  • Hi, I took onboard your comment and checked out my local adult learning college. I’ve signed up to do a maths course, I’m going to see how it goes and try not to freak out or drop out!

    I just think if I can make sense of day to day maths, I’ll consider it time well spent. I would absolutely love to understand science and its mathy language, the mini test I had to had graphs to interpret (which I couldn’t) so who knows…?

    Anyway, thanks for the kind words, your encouragement and the friendly kick up the arse 👍 😍

  • Thanks for the informative link!

    Amphibians can be delightfully weird in their breeding habits, off the top of my head there’s the toad/frog that incubates their eggs on their back, with them hatching through the skin… I would find a link but I’m currently on mobile and also have sausage fingers

    Gestating in the stomach and giving ‘birth’ via the mouth is quite something though…evolution has produced some really interesting solutions to ensure reproductive success

    The gastric frog is part of a small series of extinct species including black rhino and dodo, which is depressing as it is artistic

  • Thank you, I’ve starred your comment so I can use the link later on. They do have adult education classes near me so I can also see if that’s appropriate.

    Your mentioning about the science is partly why I’d like to understand maths, I love science and the natural world. I know when I’m watching BBC documentaries that the info is accurate, but I’d like to see how the maths proves and supports it… or just be able to see the patterns it makes

    Ironically, my dad was an accountant and would go through my homework when I was in primary school. You’d think he would be helpful and supportive? Nope, he get angry and shout and tell me to “just think”…!

    I literally didn’t have a clue where or how the correct answer was supposed to pop into my head. Not very helpful at all

  • As an autistic woman who was beyond inept at maths, I wish I’d had you as my teacher.

    I can always remember the day when I found out I’d scored around 12% and 8% on my simultaneous equations homework, and the teacher went through it on the board… I was so embarrassed that I went bright red, and even worse, my glasses steamed up

    I would love to understand and be able to do maths

  • I am currently in the act of my own version of ‘skin cycling’

    I’ve had a good look online for which actives have the research to back them up (some of which I was aware of before) and then try and arrange everything so it gets a fair distribution, without irritating the crap out of my skin (last time I went for it my skin got slightly fried)

    So far it seems to be working, I’m about 2 months in. I can do an acid exfoliation, Tret, copper peptides in the pm with an evening off, and alternate between copper peptides and Vit C/antioxidants during the day…then restart the process for the next 4 days

    Also I’m trying out NIODs CAIS (copper peptides) and FECC (eye serum, peptides, matrixyl etc) since May. I’ve been using them as much as I can within my routine, without combining them when I exfoliate and use Tret, Vit C etc

    I think I can see a difference around my eyes, I’m still not sure about the rest of my face, I have been using them on my neck and above the ole’ boobs…I’m not sure whether it’s only the CAIS (or a combi with the aha/Tret) but my decolletage does look better and my neck too, less crepey

    It’s early days yet, but I will report back 😀