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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 15th, 2023


  • Been living here for over 4 years. If I didn’t have any other passport other than the US one, I’d consider staying here long-term. But since I have an EU passport, I’m looking to switch this to our vacation spot and move to Europe.

    It’s not that cheap anymore but it’s still a lot more affordable compared to the other alternative (Canada). Lots of items have doubled in prices since 2017 which may not impact the average immigrant/expat, but it’s not great for the locals.

  • I guess it’s one of those things where you need to think about what would happen in the future if you were to marry your partner (or formalize the partnership in some manner). Would you expect to kick out your partner for two weeks ever year your parents visit?

    Generally, therapists recommend for the couple to form their own “household” and anyone else - parents, cousins, siblings, etc. - who visits are guests. In this case, your parents are the guests, with or without the expat guilt associated with it.

    And it’s not awkward. I don’t speak the native language of my in-laws fluently, but I picked up Duolingo for a few months and I’m able to have a conversation with them. That’s pretty much bare minimum that anyone can hold themselves to, so maybe suggest that to your partner and parents?