I have heard from multiple people that eye contact is essential in letting a girl (or guy, I guess) know you’re interested.

But what is the 411 when it comes to said eye contact? Do you keep looking until she does? Do you then keep staring? Or is like looking at the sun? What’s the deal?

  • RBWells@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    There’s a song:

    “I was looking back to see if she was looking back to see if I was looking back at her”

    And also an Islamic proscription against looking twice at a person of opposite sex since it signals interest.

    So at least one sort of look that signals interest is the looking again. I also think the kind of sideways look with a smile is good.

    Do not go for intense and smoldering. That is some sort of advanced level shit that we civilians cannot manage, it will go wrong.