• ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml
    10 months ago

    Biden also said “If there wasn’t an Israel in the Middle East, we would create one” He’s really not great at keeping things low-key

    • Justice@lemmygrad.ml
      10 months ago

      “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black”

        • Justice@lemmygrad.ml
          10 months ago

          “We should challenge students in these schools. We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”

          I think at a certain point you have to just assume he’s accidentally saying his real thoughts.

          He also praised men like Strom Thurmond and Robert Byrd. He gave the eulogy at Thurmond’s funeral after the motherfucker somehow lived to be 100 (LITERALLY).

          For those unaware, Thurmond was one of the two senators from SC in the fucking 19 goddamn 50s up until 2003 when he finally croaked despite the daily injections of baby blood serum. His most famous moment in his career (one of them anyway) was vehemently opposing the civil rights bill and filibustered for 24 fucking hours trying to stop its passage. INSANELY RACIST. Dude was born in fucking 1901. He lived through WWI as a teenager and WWII as a full ass adult. Then he opposed rights for blacks which he had always been able to oppress for his entire life. He was in his 50s and 60s (!!!) when the fight for civil rights fully erupted. He saw the rise of Malcolm X and MLK Jr., their assassinations, the rise and fall (!!!) of the USSR. The rise of the US empire after the destruction of the pacific and European nations. He lived his entire life as a dog and a champion of capital. It’s most vile figurehead who not only supported subjugation abroad but also at home.

          And Joe Biden eulogized this absolute demonic piece of human dogshit. I seriously cannot describe how big of a piece you have to be to even speak to a man like Thurmond, a living relic of virulent racism and a deeply held conviction that white people like himself are truly superior, much less be friendly enough to eulogize him and defend his legacy.

          They don’t call Biden “Jim Crow Joe” for no good reason.

          He’s such a piece of fucking shit.

          Massive tangent there, but fuck Biden, seriously.

    • relay@lemmygrad.ml
      10 months ago

      It’s not wanting to think about white supremecy.

      Its also about never wanting to understand things objectively in even a partial manner.

      In their twisted world view:

      When our enemies do it, this heinous action was done in pursuit of evil to make the world a worse off place. When our allies do it, they really wouldn’t have tried this horrible action unless they exhausted all other options.

      The scale of atrocities committed by our allies is a morally neutral issue. When there are brown people dying they probably wanted to kill the perfectly innocent white people shooting at them. It truly is a tragedy every time a white person is killed by a brown person. Whereas brown people are not killed, they merely die of natural causes like a white person shooting them.

      This is the epistemology of fascism. The banality of tolerance for senseless violence. The strange twisted lens to know about violence but never acknowlege the horror of it all.

      . . . . There were times that I thought that the scale of the violence redeems it of its horrid quality. I thought that is what these liberals think. Its a horrible thing when some individual slaughters 15-20 people in a school/work shooting. It probably peaks in the thousands for what a small terrorist organization is capable of, then how horrible it gets less awful once it approaches the millions, then I learned about what they thought of communism and dismissed this theory.

      I’ve heard some of these liberals actually justify it in that goodness is proportional to wealth. If those that lie cheat and steal become the wealthiest, then the greatest virtue is to rob them till they are disposessed of everything that they own. Once one possesses nothing, their life means nothing. I understand the values of these wreched capitalists.