• 3 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 15th, 2023


  • Oh, it’s great 😃👍 but it’s very difficult to be here, at least long term for the moment, they’re in the middle of trying to kick out foreigners from “rich” countries at the moment, making it very difficult to get residence permits renewed and rejecting many first time applications for residence permits, they’re blaming us for the housing crisis and making it difficult unless u either own a property (before it used to be owning any property, then it was changed to 75k+ usd and then recently it has to be worth 200k+ usd). They’re making it difficult even for foreigners who are married to Turks, own property, have Turkish kids, etc etc…my wife and I have been here for a long time and our baby was born here and we’ve had to hire a lawyer to help us stay, for the moment it’s been working, but we’ll see how long it lasts

  • Who said work permit? I said you have permission for being in the Schengen zone, you’re not getting kicked out right away, u have time for going to places in other Schengen countries and finding a job, and even time for them to do the thing where a non-EU citizen applies and they have to give a month or something to allow EU citizens to apply, and if they don’t they hire u.

  • Yes, EXACTLY. Also, my family lives in Iowa and my wife’s family lives all over Europe (Iranians go everywhere that’s not Iran!) and we’d ideally like to go to Europe to live and raise our baby but since my wife is iranian right now America is the only choice we have. It’s not like most people on this subreddit that are from countries that u can easily get into this first world country or that first world country. My wife is iranian and it really limits our choices by immigration procedures and visas and openness to Iranians immigrating to these countries. Our options are quite limited, and so yes, being forced through lack of options to go places that are less than ideal

  • Well, I wouldn’t say being forced, but we’re having lack of options, for an American-iranian couple to live together and raise a baby together without a green card we’re basically limited to turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Thailand, Ecuador and american Samoa. Most of those aren’t for long term residency, most of those are for 4-6 weeks and then we’d have to move again to another country on this list and play round robin every 4-6 weeks country hopping. Our options are basically get a green card or I go to one country with our baby and she goes back to Iran, and she’s married a non-muslim American and had a baby with a non-muslim American, which is punishable by death in Iran. So…our choices are go to america or worry that my wife could be killed. No joke.

  • Who’s looking at Twitter? My parents live in Iowa and have been near 2 mass shootings and were extremely near the shooting at the mall in Dallas when visiting family, and the schools in Iowa have been getting bomb threats and shooting threats (and hit lists being posted online that make the schools close for 2 days and the students not being allowed to take any backpacks or purses to the school) for the elementary schools, as well as hearing about shootings almost every week at the University of Illinois at Champaign-urbana from my friends that take classes there…so again, who needs Twitter?

  • Everyone says the US, while Americans are running away from the US cuz they don’t want their kids to get shot and inflation is so high. I’m american and my wife and I are waiting for my wife’s green card and we’re living outside the US and feels like we’re trying to get a ticket to the titanic.

    So long story short, money and work only matter so much. If u don’t mind living somewhere that’s essentially a warzone (the whole country) where you can get arrested for trying to go save your child in a school under attack by some pissed off gunman, then go ahead, go to america. We live in turkey, we don’t have to worry about any of these things but we’re worried that we’ll have to go back to that…