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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 22nd, 2023


  • It was not a pleasant experience.

    I was already a Bernie supporter so obviously sooooo progressive! /S

    It took years of priming me to be able to see it in myself. I had read the Autobiography of Malcolm X years before this happened and it almost seemed as if I reached enlightenment because I was forced to read one banned book one time. /S

    It is difficult to explain supremacy culture and engrained racism when even the song that is played by the ice cream man is about committing hate crimes against blacks.

    It can feel like every part of your culture is under attack. And it might be. But like, come on man, we should at least be willing to try to do better.

  • As a white American I used to do this too!

    I had an experience one time in the military that helped me to learn. Thankfully it was pretty painless.

    There was an Asian service member who was helping me do something administrative for some kind of training school.

    I asked them “Hey Lee, where are you from?” Without skipping a beat or looking up, Lee: Georgia

    Why did I expect him to say Guangzhou, China? Because I had a, previously unknown to me, bias against Asian Americans that they weren’t “really” American.

    In my conscious mind I never felt that way. But there are times where this does happen. Sadly because of supremacy culture POC not only have to be patient but incredibly intelligent to convince people not only that it is real but that they might be contributing to it.

    I’m sorry that you had this experience. But please continue to share. It is because I heard stories like yours over and over before I was able to self-correct.

  • Until you do the work inside to be content then moving will be pointless. Because then you will just be anxious/depressed/angry in Thailand or Mexico or wherever. Not that being depressed on a beach in Thailand or Mexico isn’t infinitely more appealing than being a depressed piece of shit at home, but you get the spirit of what I’m saying here hopefully.

    But if the reason you are traveling is to run from something, you’re doing it wrong. Try blooming where you are planted. Or accepting that the world is a shitty, fucked up place and no geographical location in this galaxy is going to save you from rich assholes, dickhead cops or corrupt governments and politicians.

    Ultimately, you are the only one that knows what is best for you. But as some who has been to over 15 countries on 4 continents the answer to every single one of your questions is yes.