• 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 15th, 2023

  • I can’t address all of your concerns as my situation was and is a bit different.

    First, don’t think of your age as being an impediment. I moved out of the US a year ago at the age of 46. It was a significant amount of work and stress but I did it. It’s a matter of mindset, not age.

    My wife of 20 years had unexpectedly left me while I was on a business trip in 2018 and the years after that were just me existing. Add that to the political and societal landscape of the US declining significantly after the 2016 election with maga left it feeling very unappealing to me. I won’t even consider going back to the US until I see what happens in November 2024. If drump wins I won’t go back. I’m not part of the bandwagon that says the US is a “shit hole”, like any other country it has its pros and cons. For me, the cons far outweigh the pros.

    I too am an introvert. But even more so than most. So to have taken the leap to move out of the US to a non-English speaking country was definitely a step out of my comfort zone. I don’t go out, can’t date, can’t make friends. I knew this going in, and other than the language barrier my situation, had I stayed in the US, would have been the same. My constant loneliness is just a way of living now.

    I think the cost of living in the US is another huge obstacle. Housing, whether you’re renting or buying, is not easily obtainable. Even if you make a good salary, so much of it will go into basic necessities. I’m very lucky in that I work for a US employer that allows me to work abroad remotely. My money goes much further here than it would in the US.

    My advice is to do what you feel is in your best interest. But do not make a quick decision. Factor in as much as you can.

    While I have no doubt others will play down the potential affects of a 2024 drump win. That will indeed have dire consequences beyond theorized expectations.

  • MrJim911@alien.topBtoExpats@expats.zoneLoneliness
    10 months ago

    I’ve been in Portugal for 9 months. I too am an introvert. But moreso than you as I won’t go to the local expat meetup. Too many people. I am in the very early stage learning Portuguese so speaking with locals isn’t possible. I’m not in Lisbon or Porto so English isn’t quite as common where I’m at.

    Despite being an introvert I do like spending time with friends and crave that. But my introvertedness makes that improbable.

    I’ve resigned myself to having my US friends and family visit every few years. That’ll be my time to get the constant loneliness out of my system. Unless a Portuguese extrovert knocks on my door and adopts me I don’t see things changing.

  • Republicans don’t spend money on important things like infrastructure. They are busy redrawing voting maps and taking away woman’s rights and other marginalized people’s rights. And blocking improvements from passing in congress.

    If democrats can win the presidency and get a majority in the house and senate you’ll see improvements happen pretty fast. If drumpie gets elected, just sit back and watch the collapse happen all the faster.

  • I was 46 when I made the decision. Divorced for about 3 years after having been married for over 20. One adult daughter living on her own.

    I was tired of a great many things about the US. I realized I was going to be lonely regardless of where I lived and figured I’d rather be lonely in Portugal.

    Sold my 2 bedroom gated community condo on an island in Charleston, SC along with my car and 99% of my personal belongings.