Considering you enjoyed these games, take a peak at factorio. It’s good stuff.
Factorio: 5,000
10/10 best game on steam by far.
Subatations range is affected. My bad on robos
Also worth thinking about, higher quality substations/ roboports. Changes the ranges, could make them line up better
A careless forward looking attitude! Screw the old stuff! On to the new!
Wube is what every game developers should aim to be.
I’m jealous.
Very well said. I agree with this guys assessment. He is way more better with the words then I am.
Personally the bug fixing part of it is the most enjoyable to me, so if I end up programming and there is no bugs, that’s when programming becomes a pain for me. Trick to fix it for me is to have my wife give it a test, bam, bugs to be fixed. Never fails.
Freelancer(2003). Replay this at least once a year.
Lol, did not know there was a template, was helping out based on a the steam logo.