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Cake day: October 11th, 2023

  • I think people who have vacation relationships overly romanticize how great they think it is because what isn’t great on vacation? No stress, no worries, just partying and lots of sex. Then you come home and have bills and other shit going on and it’s not fun. And now your knee deep in your own bullshit and feel you have to try to make it work because you came this far. I think a lot of these couples fall into the vacation relationship pit and real life is a whole other story.

  • My guess is that he was different when they were together in Ecuador and his attitude and behavior have gone to shit since he came to the US because he is out of his element, is knowingly deceiving her and isn’t in his comfort zone anymore. In other words the honeymoon is over, like it is for so many of these couples that basically had vacation based “relationships” and when they are no longer on vacation shit hits the fan. She should have been able to figure this out and also should not have committed to bringing him to the US until he resolved his family issues and included her in his life more. They jumped the gun like so many idiots on this show.

  • Nikki is annoying and pushy, yes. It is a shame her delivery is so poor because I do sympathize with her. They used to have an active sex life that they both really enjoyed. Now he knows she is trans and he is icy to her. I would feel terrible too. It would be one thing if they never had a good sex life but they did. So he shouldn’t have led her on to believe they would just pick back up where they left off. And I think he really did. He should have been honest BEFORE she came over and let her know he wasn’t sure how he was going to feel about sex. I have to assume that he did not because she came in hot with major expectations. I don’t condone most of her behavior, she is extremely obnoxious, repetitive and irritating. But I can see how she feels extremely rejected and unfulfilled. If a woman did this to a man she’d be branded a cock tease for setting up the expectation of sex and then withholding.

  • While I believe that nobody should force themselves on anyone, I think when you’re fiancé, who you’ve boned plenty of times, is coming to your country to MARRY you, you would have some expectation of physical affection from the get go. No, I would probably not want to have sex after a long flight without showering and getting some sleep but a hug, cuddle, kiss, absolutely yes. If you act that disgusted and repelled by the person you claim you want to spend your life with, something is pretty fucked up. And I apply this to all the couples that go through this. You can’t possibly be committing to someone for life if you don’t even want to share a bed with them. Then why get married???

  • My impression is she’s only going to stay with him because it’s an inconvenience for her to return home since presumably she gave up where ever she was staying. Sounds like maybe her funds are limited and she can’t make a move without considering cost. I think if money were no object she would head back home and think things over. She seems pretty desperate wit be giving him another chance.

  • It’s really unkind to talk about anyone you care about that way. It’s not funny, not cute. Everyone has feelings. If someone described me that way I would never recover from it. Why can’t she just say I know Gino is not a male model but I find him very attractive and adorable and love him the way he is. Everyone knows what they really look like (well, most) and nobody wants the cold hard truth thrown in their face. We all deal with our own insecurities looking in the mirror alone, who needs public validation of it for Christ’s sake.

  • I don’t know we should call Justin transphobic. He seems to 100% support her lifestyle and decisions to become a woman. I think it’s understandable that he can’t get 100% comfortable now that he knows she was once a man. Not everyone would just immediately adapt to that. Sexual attraction is complicated and nuanced. The main thing I fault him for is leading her on to think he was currently feeling the way he once did for her. I don’t think he has any prejudice or judgement for trans people. I think if he did he would never have reconnected with her and would not agree to tell his friends and family.

  • This whole situation has me very uncomfortable. I didn’t realize in previous episodes just how much real estate the animals take up and how tiny the apartment is. It’s a nightmare for that girl. Nowhere to put her clothes, filthy animal stink and a mom in the only closet. Just terrible. He seems like a nice person but really hasn’t got his life together by any means. I feel bad a man so young is dealing with such a problematic mother. Seems it should come later in life. He’s got his hands full and I give him credit for his good Spanish, they seem to communicate well. I agree with OP closet mom is going to present as a major problem.