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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 15th, 2023


  • I’m from Europe and also got some French people putting me down for things in my culture that they made up whenever they felt like feeling superior.

    It’s something that happens more than you think in France, and so yes not all French people but many foreigners will have experienced this attitude of superiority.

    Your education system is over-corrective and hyper-critical and that produces people who over-correct and are hyper-critical of others. Bienvenue en France.

  • What is your priority? If it’s starting a business then India is the place for you, because it is not only work, but also networking, and being in a country that is full of entrepreneurs and business-minded people (If my perception of India is accurate, then this is the case there)

    Sweden has people setting up their own businesses but not as much as India.

    It is also something that consumes a lot of time, energy, and spirit, but so does being a foreigner in a foreign land. These are competing life experiences and maybe you can “have it all” but maybe you need to choose one and not the other to fully succeed in either of them.

    You could spend 1-2 years investing everything in learning Swedish and trying to integrate and have a good enough life there, and then move back to India knowing that you gave it your all and then set up your business. But I don’t know what your timeline is. If you want to set up a business soon and have no particular interest in being a foreigner in Sweden then I think the answer is more straightforward.

  • Yes, there are some countries where a funeral is about the dead, and other countries where a funeral is about the living.

    In the first countries, only close family and friends of the dead person will turn up. In the second countries everyone in the community, even people who have never met the dead person, will turn up because it’s a show of support for the surviving family members and friends.