• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • *****Final Update Post: February 19, 2024 (5 months later)*****

    Title: matching tattoo update. i took a great revenge on my dad (no)

    hi, i just login to this acct and see people asking how i’m doing <3 i want to give a little update but it’s not too cheerful :/

    my dad really moved away that september, just before that he came to our house to talk but i couldn’t confront him. still i broke no contact. we ended up talking on the phone many times, he promised a lot that he would make things right between us, he would come to visit me and he didn’t keep any of it. two weeks ago i stopped talking to him again

    i’ve also been going to therapy since the new year. it’s not only for my dad, i have other problems too. my therapist is really nice and she helps me a lot. apart from all this, my life is actually pretty good, i have my mom and friends who are there for me.

    lastly, i kept the tattoo. i couldn’t make a final decision about what to do and i think it will stay like that for some time.

    i don’t think i’ll be posting another update later so please take care <33333333333333

    Relevant Comment:

    Commenter: Hope you’re doing well and hopefully give us an update a few years later.

    OOP: i don’t think i’ll have an interesting life in a few years, but i’ll try to give an update, promise :)

    OOP Commented in April 2024 (2 months later):

    Commenter: do u have any plans on covering it up??

    OOP: still not sure

    (to another commenter): i’m thinking of getting different tattoo with my mom. still not sure if i want to cover the one with my dad

  • The day I first posted here was the day I found out that my then-husband had lied and fabricated most of what I knew about him. Other things I did that day included teaching a class to 200 undergrads about 15 minutes after I found out for sure, and kicking off a day-and-a-half long job interview for the next stage in my career (a job which I somehow landed…).

    What unfolded over the following three months can really only be described as living my way through my own version of a Lifetime movie. At some point I moved into an extended stay hotel, and as time passed I learned about the depths and breadths of the lies and deceit he’d used to both control me and get what he wanted, and the lengths he’d go to try and get his grip back on what he’d successfully manipulated his way through for about four years. What I know now – and what I’m kind of glad I didn’t really know then – was that I wasn’t actually as safe with him as I thought I was. So I’m thankful I managed to get out with only psychological/emotional/financial burden, and no physical trauma.

    About two-and-a-half months later I successfully had my marriage annulled on the basis of Fraudulent Coercion to Marry. I ended up doing the necessary research and filing the paperwork myself – which was not an easy task, but was both cheaper and faster than it was going to be if I hired a lawyer. A few weeks after the annulment I moved my belongings out of our apartment and moved to a new city and my new job. Without him, but with the kittens. As of late June I finally had him convinced that contacting me was pointless because he wasn’t getting me back, and so I’ve been largely free to recover from the trauma and crisis mode I lived in for about three months.

    One of the things I’ve learned from all of this is how incredibly difficult it is to get out of a relationship in a situation like this. Besides the obvious difficulty of navigating the legal system, and the cost associated with it, there’s the cognitive dissonance of constantly trying to remember to relate to that other person in light of the new information you’ve found out about them. It really and truly took every life skill and tremendous support of my family and friends network to get out in (more or less) one piece. And even still the road to recovery and a return to thriving is a long one.

    So…thanks to those who helped me back on that terrible day in January 2019. And if you know someone who is going through something like this, please offer whatever you can in support. Because they definitely need it!



  • After I find the word and understand what it means, i will try to make a sentence with that word and use it in real conversation.

    Now, I can already read Japanese’s comic book and watch the movie in cinema without much difficulty. :)

    Once again thank you for your support!

    Please wish me luck for my career and my life ahead. (Also for my crush, hope it ends well)

    I also wish all the best for all of you, may you learned something from my experience and may it be useful for you or at least it could give you good feeling when you read this update.


    Relevant Comments:

    OOP’s other languages:

    I speak English, Indonesian, Chinese, Germany, and Malay… now also Japanese and currently learning Spanish….

    Editor’s note: including this exchange because I thought it was sweet. I do not speak Japanese, so the translation is google translated. Apologies if it is slightly odd!

    Commenter: すごい!頑張りましたね! 私も長くに日本に住んでいるのに文法をよく間違っていますわ。通じるなら十分と思います! 新しい生活を頑張ってください!

    [amazing! You did your best! Even though I have lived in Japan for a long time, I often make grammar mistakes. I think it’s enough if it works! Good luck in your new life!]

    OOP: ありがとうございました! なんか生まれ変わる見たいです。最近凄く幸せなので、メンタルも良くになりました!

    [thank you very much! I want to see it reborn somehow. I’ve been really happy lately, so my mental health has improved!]

    *****New Update Post: September 11, 2024 (5 months later, 11 from OG post)*****

    So it has been few months, the result of a Japanese Language Proficiency Test I took has been announced, I passed the Level 2 with only 2 mistakes (the highest is level 1 from 5 level and I passed the level 2 so I am proud of myself!)

    My crush confessed to me and we are dating now! He is a Japanese who doesnt speak English at all and he said my Japanese is perfectly fine! I met his parents and brothers last month during Obon holiday. He brought me to his home town in a rural Japanese village. His family welcome me. His family lives in a farm, they never went overseas at all and doesnt speak English but they welcome me nicely.

    I am a divorcee and 6 years older than my bf but they dont mind at all. The fact that I am a foreigner also doesnt bother them.

    I just got promotion at work this month, which is quite rare since I have been here just for 10 month but they said I did my best so I deserved it.

    I plan to move in with my BF next winter.

    He treats me with nothing but respect. He always seems to be proud with anything that I did, he even said my japanese accent is cute. He never scold me in public like my ex. (I told him “why you so nice??” He said “it is just normal behavior to someone you care about.” Which makes me realized how much of an asshole my ex husband was.)

    About my ex husband, he stalked my instagram and found my post with my new bf and he threatened my bf but my bf just blocked him.

    My ex’s cousin who is really close to me told me that my ex posted his break up text with his new gf on the twitter and sent the screenshot to me. I read it and I feel pity for whoever girl who gonna be with him next because he will never change.

    I feel healthier, prettier, and definitely happier now than ever.

    I dont know what will become of my new relationship but I learned a lot. I will never let anyone disrespect me and my effort.

    Last but not least, thank you all for all the comments you leave to me. It definitely helped me to clear my mind!

    Cheers for you all!!

  • At this point I’m still adamant that I don’t want to get another surveyor out there, it will just take too long. I talked to a lawyer that would be less expensive than a surveyor and pretty much said this was a slam dunk win that would enforce the removal asap. We’re still trying to tread lightly though so we don’t piss off my future home’s building inspector too much with the threats of using an attorney, but we desperately need results.

    My dad’s an engineer and comes up with an idea that we present to the junior inspector. We’ll use the shed AS the property line pin to mark the setback for the neighbor. The shed is shown on the survey and we can see where the property line crosses through the shed, so we just need to measure and mark those places IRL. It’s stupidly simple and similar to an idea I mentioned months ago about measuring the setback from the shed, but they approved it. I used the survey’s CAD files to set up the measurements for where to pin the property line and 6’ setback lines. (In my last post the setbacks were at 12’ but changed at some point that month, another piece of important information that the building inspector forgot to mention to me.)

    When my dad and husband went out to go mark the shed using line of sight they met up with the neighbor and he was SO unbelievably nice. Mind you, we’ve all been blocked, ignored, had our No Trespassing signs taken down, and been told in the past that we should just “sell him the property”. Now he’s making friends with my husband, giving him a tour of his house, talking scotch, sharing contractor info with him, etc. I’m BAFFLED hearing this and don’t trust it but welcome it for the moment. Then my husband tells me the neighbors wife is rude to him and pissed that we didn’t get the additional survey, didn’t like that we were doing it this way, etc. The neighbor hushes her and she goes off to pout the rest of the day.

    My theory is that maybe the wife is the one doing all the blocking and snagging this up? The neighbor apparently had a heart attack earlier this year so I wonder if she took over his communications. When this first started last year they mentioned that they tried to buy our property so their son could live on it. Apparently it’s just HER son, his step son. I think she drove some of this conflict and he may be giving it up or just changing his tune after his heart attack. Ever since then he’s been friendly toward us which I’m relieved about.

    So after the pinning of the property line and marking the 6’ setback the building inspector approved our work and then gave the neighbor ANOTHER month to get this scheduled with a mover and finally moved.

    After about a month and a half I didn’t hear from the inspector so we gave the town a call. It had been moved!!

    We went forward with our final survey to confirm that our land is clear of encroachments. It’s cleared, but neighbor only moved it 3.6’ off the property line – short of the 6’ setback. WTAF? I got a letter today from the building inspector saying he passed it and the case is officially closed.

    I absolutely DO NOT care that it’s only 3.6’ back instead of 6’, I’m just glad he’s off my land and can now move forward, but seriously? I don’t know how this got approved but I’m in awe of the incompetence of the inspector. I guess I’ll just have to see what all I can get away with too.

    Anyways, that’s my shed saga. Thanks for reading.

    TLDR: I escalated the issue of my neighbor’s encroaching shed to the town, finally reaching the supervisor who sympathized with my year-long frustration over the shed encroaching on our property. Despite previous surveys proving the encroachment, the building inspector asked for yet another surveyor to pin the property, which made no sense.

    After much back and forth, my dad, an engineer, suggested using the shed itself as a marker for the property line. Surprisingly, the junior inspector approved this. When my dad and husband marked the property line, the neighbor, once uncooperative, was suddenly friendly. After some delays, the shed was moved, though only 3.6 feet instead of the required 6 feet. Despite the inspector closing the case, I’m relieved it’s off my land and can finally move forward, though baffled by the whole ordeal.