I can’t afford rent
I’ve turned down many self-hosted options due to the complexity of the setup and maintenance.
Do you agree with this?
Yes. If I have to spend an hour reading your documentation just to find out how to run the damn thing, I’m not going to run it.
I hate docker with a passion because it seems like the people who develop on it forego writing documentation because docker “just works” except when it doesn’t.
I archived one of my github repos the other day because someone requested I add docker support. It’s a project I made specifically to not use docker…
Previously Tuta (I don’t recommend them, they’re going down a path slow enshittification)
Now Disroot, which lets you use a custom domain with a catchall for a one time payment. https://disroot.org/en/perks
Is that something you have experience with or are you just making up scenarios to pose as arguments?
Because I’ve been doing this for years and I don’t have this issue. You could also just preemptively auto-trash anything that goes to those very common emails, but I don’t and it’s not an issue.
Buy a domain and set your email to catchall, then make a unique email for everything and don’t fiddle with aliases.
This ended up being the answer. Gentle heatgun and freezer for 10 minutes
Det næste valg bliver enten meget sjov eller meget deprimerende.
Krig er helvede, og kompromiser skal laves for at sikre fred.
Jeg har sagt intet der modsiger dette udsagn.
Kapitalisme er relativt velafbalanceret i Danmark.
Nej. Vi startede stærkt i 80’erne men fri-marked idealisme iblandt vores politiske elite har sat sig fast som en orm i deres hjerne og de har brugt de sidste 2 årtier på at udhule vores velfærdssystemer og sælge vores infrastruktur.
Jeg er glad for at du ikke har nogen arbejd-nedsættende kroniske problemer og har penge nok i banken til ikke at kunne mærke det, men vores institutioner er faktisk ved at falde fra hinanden, og Mette er vanguard på den politik der har skabt de her problemer.
Og SVMs underminering af vores rettigheder, velfærd og ydelses systemer på baggrund af det, selvom det har været deres frie-marked drøm at gøre det i årtier efterhånden. Rusland er kun en undskyldning for at skubbe en masse upopulær politik igennem.
Hvis du vil vide mere kan du eventuelt læse The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism af Naomi Klein
De der mørke kræfter har forenet sig
Enig, SVM regeringen skulle aldrig have slået sig sammen
I den verden, vi kigger ind i nu, kan man vinde, og man kan tabe. Hvis vi ikke har viljen til at vinde, kommer vi til at tabe,
Jeg tror, at danskerne allerede ved, at regningen bliver høj, og at vi som land bliver nødt til at tage opgaven på os,
Er Mette OK? Virker lidt som en psykotisk ting at melde ud, set i bagspejlet af de sidste 4 år.
Nå ja, vi er jo danskere. Vi stemmer dem ind igen næste gang.
I have this bound to a hotkey for quick screenrecording
A concept that will not be understood by those who need to understand it the most
Boy that article is a lot of yapping about nothing and then the video yaps even more somehow.
This is just an ad
Danish healthcare is covered but good luck getting any treatment
Jeg tror ikke jeg har købt æg, smør eller skyr i flere år efterhånden.
That’s all there is to it. Websites are not legally required to care about it, and we’ve been proven that they don’t with GDPR because in an ideal world they would see your DNT header and not even ask. It is literally just an extra bit of information that can track you and it serves no purpose.
Denmark doesn’t have government owned housing rented at fair prices. It has housing orgs which are beholden to special laws but are still private businesses. Because these businesses own a whole block of apartments, they can strike good deals with the municipalities to house or accommodate the less fortunate. If you are middle-class then you do not live in a housing org that houses the lower class. We don’t share space.
I live in the cheapest apartment in my city in the best housing org arguably in the whole country and I still can’t pay rent and my landlord won’t come and fix the several missing doors. My neighbors are fruit-fly breeding enthusiast druggies who don’t have to get up in the morning for anything but groceries and love to party all night on any given weekday despite the housing org rules but the housing org won’t do shit about it so I regularly don’t get to sleep and the cops don’t respond to noise complaints from renters unless you live in a good neighborhood. I also don’t have hot water in my heating system but to be fair I haven’t told my landlord that because I can’t afford heating anyway.
Denmark does not have a housing model that should be an inspiration to the rest of the world, especially not since the jobcenter is also partly responsible for housing you if you’re out of the job market and entirely responsible for you and your rent if you are handicapped, both of which are conflicts of interest and they have been documented to hold this power over vulnerable people so they can continue to have their labor exploited through “activation” programs. I’m perfectly capable of working despite my handicaps. Alas, the jobcenter has struck deals with local businesses and they won’t give me any of those jobs I can do because the jobcenter can just force me to do it and then not pay me so I can’t ever hope to move to better pastures.
You might have been thinking of the Netherlands, but their government housing isn’t exactly a perfect system either but it’s better.
Decomodify housing.
Denmark, too…