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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 16th, 2023


  • This show just made me depressed a lot when watching it.

    Both Chantel and Pedro seem to be intelligent on a booksmart level and I think they both good looking individuals. They just lack emotional intelligence and let their families fuel drama that shouldn’t have ever even existed!

    If they had been truthful with their families about their relationship in the beginning, if they had band together instead of leveraging others against one another, they could have been really happy. They both have jobs, it’s not like either one is a bum wanting a free ride.

    Pedro was his mother and sister’s little beyotch and allowed them to control him still from the DR. It’s depressing watching 90DF and then this kind of spinoff where families are unsupportive assclowns when it comes to their adult children’s marriages. They got married, respect the fact they clearly loved that person in a profound way to go there. Sigh.

    They need to cut their toxic families out or have limited contact. They will never be happy in any relationship, ever. Even if they find someone who will bend over backwards and do whatever they want them to, they’ll find fault.

    Reminds me of my friend who has a wonderful partner. Her mother still tries to whine about the partner because he’s doing things one way or another (still doing them but not /her/ way, etc). And thankfully my friend isn’t taking the bait. She defends her dude and refuses to entertain the bullshit. That’s what partnerships do when the inlaws are being destructive eff offs like these two’s families are doing to both of them. They’re getting rag dolled.

  • They don’t have kids for the same purpose that you’re used to people having kids. My parents had kids because they wanted to be parents, they are hippies and loved having a family. They raised us to want to fly the coop and only come visit them on weekly visits, much like they did with their parents.

    Others have kids as an investment. Or simply because they don’t have access to or believe in birth control. They aren’t raising them to be all “thanks for the lessons, I’ll use them well!” They are raising them so that when they’re old and can’t work for whatever reason that is, they will start paying the bills. Often they start working as youth as well, for that specific reason. Lots of “nobody stays here for free” mentality.

    What I find most interesting is that people love parents who only love what they can do for them. So it’s an interesting look into the psychology involved between offspring and parents. In the US we are heavy on the “Your parents don’t treat you nice? Cut 'em off.” train and most other countries do not go that direction in the slightest. We’re brutal and ruthless to look out for our own well being and not looking to take care of the people who raised us.

    My parents refused my money when I tried to give them my Christmas bonus to pay off their mortgage last year. So I come from an entirely self efficient family myself yet I still understand that other people, even in this country itself, were not raised that way!

    I know a lot of adult children living at home “caring” for their parents in the US. We just started turning basements and garages into “Mother in law suites” instead of cramming them all into one house like other places do.

  • I don’t understand that setup at all. It doesn’t make sense.

    I love beverages. My parents beverage fridge died and I immediately bought them another one because that’s how many beverages we like to have at any given time, lol. (I live alone, so my extra beverages are just on the bottom rack of the fridge).

    But I’m finishing one before I start another one. I’d keep a can of coffee in the car for after the one I had from home was done…then the jar would be placed in a bag in the back to take into the house later or whatever. But 3 full beverages being juggled is just batshit and over the top. I would have rolled down a window and thrown the jar out at some point. I’m not goofing around, you only need a passenger to hold stuff while you’re loading in and then you adjust things before you start driving so both people are comfy.

    Manuel sucks but so does Ashley. The beverages and then talking in English and complaining about him while he’s right beside you. Hell. No. Not even Rob the Knob deserves that treatment. Just break up already, jeezus.

  • And that’s why the Robs of the world, have to prey on women from other countries as well. They have burned through every Junior Collage campus around them and none of the young women in their areas will put up with their squatters quarters they have setup and limited life goals.

    I’m glad you grew up and out of that phase, fam. I like that you only briefly dated that loser, I hope you found a good one after suffering that fool <3