If so, was it polled somewhere?

    • @UnknownQuantity@lemm.ee
      5310 months ago

      They’re just an annoying bunch of wannabe communists who sound incredibly smug and post a ton of stickers in comments. Having said that I’ve moved to lemm.ee when lemmy.world defeterated from hexbear.

      • NormalC [he/him, comrade/them]
        3310 months ago

        Wannabe communists

        There’s a lot to unpack in that one. First of all, how do you even gatekeep being a communist? Surely you don’t hold a degree in Marxist-Leninist thought? Nor are you a hexbear yourself.

        Or perhaps since you have this perception that we are all petite bourgeoisie (mostly white) in the imperialist core that we can’t actually be communists (ignoring how paradoxical that is)

        Perhaps communism in your mind is only for the “orient” and global south. Those in the “West” must just be play acting.

        • @Gsus4@feddit.nl
          10 months ago

          When you guys mention the imperial core, what are you talking about? DC? Hollywood? Wall Street? Brussels? London? Paris? Berlin? The Hague? Where is this imperial core you keep mentioning?

          • SpookyGenderCommunist [they/them]
            10 months ago

            “imperial core” isn’t a phrase we made up. It refers to World Systems Theory, a theory of international relations invented by a guy named Immanuel Wallerstein which argues that imperial “Core” countries (think the traditional “developed” or “first world” countries. Mainly the US and Europe) have a particular extractive, colonial relationship with “Periphery” countries (think poor, raw material exporting, rentier states like Kyrgyzstan or Nigeria).

            Then there are semi-periphery countries which are still tied into the imperial core in some way, but have enough sway economically and geopolitically to kind of stand on their own. They have a different kind of relationship to the imperial core, compared to the periphery (these would be the BRICS countries, largely).

            That’s a gross over simplification, but hopefully that answers your question.

            Edit: Here’s a really good explanation of World Systems Theory that goes into more depth

            • @Gsus4@feddit.nl
              10 months ago

              Wasn’t aware of this framework, thank you for taking the time to explain it :)

            • @PutangInaMo@sh.itjust.works
              410 months ago

              To be fair, colonialism is a human trait and it’s been proven in every large society time and time again. You think the current US/UK empire is bad but if you look in your own back yard it’s the same thing with a different spin.

              It is inevitable, humans are destined for this. It’s unfortunate but it’s what we do.

              • PandaBearGreen [they/them]
                4110 months ago

                That’s just the propaganda you’ve been fed. The world doesn’t need to be xenophobic or exploitative. These are learnt behaviors.

                  • Egon [they/them]
                    10 months ago

                    Lmao no they’re not. Humans are a communal species, it’s literally what we’ve evolved to be.

                    However acting as if behavioral (or even worse evolutionary) psychology can in any way give a definite answer on what is human nature and what is learnt behaviour, is ridiculous.
                    There are no factual answers to the question “what is human nature?”

                  • Venus [she/her]
                    2810 months ago

                    Just because you’re a terrible person doesn’t mean everyone else is.

              • AOCapitulator [they/them]
                10 months ago

                yeah but the thing is other countries’ policies didn’t inspire apartied and the nazis and their holocaust.

                the US’s exterminationist and segregationalist The US did those thing

                Hitler wrote in his diary how good america was at genociding its undesireables, and took it and ran with it

                The United States: world leader in being the absolute fucking worst thing in human history since 1619

                • @PutangInaMo@sh.itjust.works
                  610 months ago

                  But that’s kind of my point. The CCP engages in almost identical policies and political strategy. It’s just under a different banner with a different mascot.

                  • AOCapitulator [they/them]
                    2510 months ago

                    Absolutely fucking wild to go yeah the US Inspired the nazis and aparteid and segregation, but china has the belt and road so its basically the same

                    The fuck?!

              • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
                10 months ago

                You think the current US/UK empire is bad but if you look in your own back yard it’s the same thing with a different spin.

                I don’t think any non-Western country has enslaved a continent, refused to pay reparations for enslaving an entire continent, and continue to plunder an entire continent of its resources.

                • @PutangInaMo@sh.itjust.works
                  710 months ago

                  Japan, China, Persian empire, Egypt, Spain, US, UK, Cambodia, et al.

                  History is nasty, our goal should be to learn from it and not repeat it.

                  • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
                    2610 months ago

                    I’m going to make the bold claim that the Tang dynasty and the Achaemenid empire was nowhere near as bad as the Spanish empire or the British empire and unlike the first two, the second two are still relevant in modern times.

                  • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                    710 months ago

                    Do you seriously think Cambodia “enslaved a continent”? Like, I think Pol Pot was one of the more destructive leaders in human history, but you’re being silly.

                    Japan was working on it but only partially did it. China didn’t. Persia? uh . . . I don’t think so. Egypt? No. Spain was part of the overall effort that the US and UK were part of.

          • dolphin [he/him]
            4710 months ago

            It’s another term for ‘the West’ effectively, so the US and Western Europe.

            • @Sharkwellington@lemmy.one
              3210 months ago

              I genuinely would like to understand what you guys at hexbear are about but every time I poke my head into that instance you guys are “dunking” every other instance with language nobody else understands. It’s very alienating.

              • dolphin [he/him]
                4510 months ago

                Lol that’s fair. We’ve developed a pretty insular culture over the past three years and I can see how it’s hard to decipher.

                • @yuri@sh.itjust.works
                  1010 months ago

                  you guys are also like, just huge dicks without provocation. like all the fucken time. 99% of what i see from hexbear users is either condescension or outright hostility.

                  • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
                    10 months ago

                    usually how conversations go is this

                    1. I see a reply to a post by a liberal stating a point which we regularly debunk

                    2. to help them see why they might be wrong, I politely, and in good faith, though often with a little force, push back on it and explain why they are incorrect

                    3. they then smugly and condenscendingly reply with a sentence like “Oh, so you’ve come along with your CCP/Kremlin propaganda now / Oh great, the Hexbear horde has arrived / Actually, it’s much more complicated than that [refuses to elaborate] / Actually, you’re wrong because of [link to wikipedia]”

                    4. we then start dunking given that they aren’t operating in good faith

                    perhaps reddit’s typical style of “debate”, where you smugly reply thought-terminating cliches and decontextualized quotes at each other while being variously awarded and downvoted, is more harmful and damaging to actual discussion than our style of “You’re wrong, here’s why you’re wrong with a bunch of references included, hell, most of them are to western media because if I don’t then you’ll start screeching ‘CHINESE CCP XI JINPING PROPAGANDA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH’ at us”

                    additionally, we have no downvotes, and haven’t for three years, because it just fosters anonymized disagreement and even harrassment without any constructive points being made. thousands upon thousands of times, I’ve seen arguments become people just saying quotes like “Well, communism works on paper but not in practice” and “If you sacrifice freedom for security then you deserve neither” or “Did you know that the Founding Fathers warned against parties?” and just a hundred other pseudo-points gathered from a lifetime of being exposed to various kinds of media and irl interactions, without even the slightest curiosity as to the underlying philosophies and ideas and complexities and nuances behind, say, what authoritarianism really means, or whether democracy is necessarily “when you have elections” or if there’s something deeper, or even just the basic histories of the USSR and China and Cuba etc. the average Westerner’s knowledge of anything beyond culture is as wide and deep as a puddle. I’ll even be a little self-depreciating and include myself in that, though I am actively working to improve.

                    no matter how often you remind people that downvotes should only be used for comments that don’t “contribute to the discussion”, no matter how good their intention, downvote systems online always devolve into “I dislike you and/or the point you’re making and I’m not going to explain why. fuck you.” disagreement on Hexbear can only be done through posting and replying, and sorting these things out through discussions (or “struggle sessions”) rather than building up silent resentments over time that split everybody up, and because of that, it’s by far the healthiest online community I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen a lot. it’s also why we come across as overbearing - even if we had only a third of the members, the site culture of “if you disagree, reply and tell them, you can’t downvote” means that we’re all used to commenting a lot and could overwhelm other instances which are more used to downvote-and-move-on tactics.

                  • Kuori [she/her]
                    2910 months ago

                    honestly it’s a pretty friendly instance all told, we just have p strong feelings about politics and bigotry

                    and admittedly a lot of us have little patience for the worst among you bc we deal with that shit permeating society at every level on a constant basis

                  • Egon [they/them]
                    10 months ago

                    I see a lot of hexbear users be provocative, but I’ve yet to see it without reason. It’s in response to someone else acting in bad faith. When you see someone act rude, take a step back and consider why they are acting rude.
                    Not to say we don’t have users that are too quick on the draw of the ppb, but your website certainly has cantankerous assholes as well. Every site has.
                    Hexbear just has an incredibly low tolerance of debatebros, smuglords and bigotry, which I would say has fostered a site culture that allows for a wide variety of opinions to be shared, a deep analysis of current event and which is a safe space for LGBTQ+ members - our modteam is majority LGBTQ+.

                  • Staines [he/him, they/them]
                    10 months ago

                    Hexbear - “that’s true, I see how our culture can be hard to decipher”

                    Lemmylib - “you guys are huge dicks without provocation”

                    Hexbear - oh well fuck you then :)

                    Lemmylib - “see, so hostile!”

                    If we respond to people being needlessly aggro with quip derision it’s “so uncivil!” If we respond to people in good faith by trying to explain our differing views it’s “wow im not going to read that!”

                    So what should we do?

              • Doubledee [comrade/them]
                3710 months ago

                Honestly your best bet is probably to do some reading first, unfortunately. A lot of Hexbear dialect is that way because it’s tied to concepts that come from books and thinkers we’re broadly familiar with.

                If you’re more into video stuff you could try this guy. I think he’s pretty approachable.

                Actually if you went into the megathreads and asked most people would probably give you suggestions too. We are fiesty but in my experience we also like to be helpful to people with questions.

              • Venus [she/her]
                3610 months ago

                We’re literally just communists. Read any introductory text to communism and 99% of what we say will make sense in context.

                • YeetPics
                  110 months ago

                  “Donald Trump is a liberal”

                  Break this down.

                  • Nama [he/him]
                    4510 months ago

                    I’ll oversimplify a bit, but here you go. In economic terms, liberalism is a market oriented economy, and the current iteration of neoliberalism is marked by social welfare cuts and tax cuts for the rich with “trickle down” effect in mind (allegedly). That ideology is shared by both the democratic and republican parties. The difference between communists and liberals in the sense the word is most often used, is that economic approach, and from that perspective both liberals and conservatives are “liberal”.

                    Now the common use of the word is a bit different, but that’s almost exclusively US from what I can tell. Hexbear is also international though, and liberal is a common term for right wingers where I’m from for example.

                    Hope I could help.

                  • SpookyGenderCommunist [they/them]
                    3910 months ago

                    Liberalism has a couple of different definitions. The one you’re thinking of is the one in US politics where “Liberal” is synonymous with "Left’. This isn’t how it’s being used here though.

                    Liberalism, as a broad ideological trend that came out of the enlightenment, contains within it, Conservatism. Conservatism was theorized by people like Edmund Burke who, seeing that the previous feudal hierarchy was dying off, sought to preserve it, at least as much as was possible, by accepting Liberal notions of property rights and capitalism.

                    So, instead of a social hierarchy being ordained by God, it’s decided by the market, and social conflict is meditated through the liberal, Lockean, Republic.

                    So when we call Trump a liberal, we mean it in this broad sense. He’s still a conservative, but conservatism is a subset of capital L Liberalism.

                    This is in contrast to Leftism, which also contains a lot of things within it, but breaks from a lot of the philosophical assumptions that undergird Liberalism.

                  • WhyEssEff [she/her]
                    3110 months ago

                    liberalism is the ideology of capitalism. donald trump is a capitalist. donald trump is a liberal. easy.

              • SpookyGenderCommunist [they/them]
                3410 months ago

                I genuinely would like to understand what you guys at hexbear are about

                Well, I’d be more than happy to have a good faith discussion with you. No dunking, I promise 🙏

              • AOCapitulator [they/them]
                3210 months ago

                If you ask good faith questions and give context for why “Hey, I’m a liberal and I don’t understand X could you explain what you mean?”

                You WILL get excellent engagement and people will give you very good answers

                its easy, and if you genuinely want to learn give it a shot

              • Egon [they/them]
                10 months ago

                New tagline dropped @CARCOSA@hexbear.net

                Seriously though you are more than welcome to ask, I would recommend the news mega. If you ask questions in gold faith there’s a wealth of users willing to interact with you

              • epicspongee [they/them, he/him]
                1210 months ago

                To be clear in the dunking threads folks are not usually engaging in good faith with us. When I was on another server and replied with actual questions to stuff everyone was incredibly nice to me and explained stuff super well. Can agree though that folks can see dunking as alientating. I promise though if you can get past that it’s one of the friendliest communities I’ve found on the web.

          • HornyOnMain [she/her]
            4710 months ago

            The imperial core is the countries that have been most involved in the imperialist plunder of other nations, so that would be the US, Canada, UK, France, Belgium, Germany, etcetera

            • YeetPics
              10 months ago

              China (see taiwan, tibet)

              Russia (see crimea/ukraine)

              Wow you just got dunked on.


              • Egon [they/them]
                3510 months ago

                Tibet was a theocratic slave state before being liberated.
                Neither the UN, the EUs member nations, the US or Taiwan thinks Taiwan is a country.

                • YeetPics
                  310 months ago

                  It’s okay to be wrong, Taiwan is a beautiful country. Sorry if that makes you upset.

                  • Egon [they/them]
                    10 months ago

                    I love being wrong! It means I get to learn new things. I am for example happy to learn that we have a user here from either Belize, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, the Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, Paraguay, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, or Tuvalu, since these are the only places that regonize Taiwan as a country.
                    I am very sorry to hear what climate change is doing to your wonderful island/country! I hope your government is working towards a good future.

              • SpookyGenderCommunist [they/them]
                3010 months ago

                Note that they said “Most involved” Russia, for instance, has always been the modern “Sick man of Europe” since the fall of the USSR. It’s imperial aspirations don’t extend as far. And it’s relationship to the historic Core of the US and Western Europe, is as a semi-peripheral nation trying to coalesce a regional sphere of influence with itself as the center of gravity. None of that makes it a Core country though.

                Maybe if the current world system collapses, and it filled that vacuum. But that hasn’t happened.

                Imperial Core refers to the World Systems Theory of International Relations, first put forward by Immanuel Wallerstien. I would suggest you read up on the topic before making half-baked responses like this.

          • AOCapitulator [they/them]
            3210 months ago

            You know how any time there’s a map where it colors countries who vote on UN resolutions, or countries where you can be thrown in jail for being poor, etc etc etc etc, you know how its usually a very similar map with US Europe and western allies on one side, and the entire rest of the world (the other 6.5 billion people) on the other?

            Yeah, that teeny group that seems to always get its way controlling global politics is the imperial core.

          • bigboopballs [he/him]
            2610 months ago

            Where is this imperial core you keep mentioning?

            They prefer to be called The International Community™

            • Egon [they/them]
              2310 months ago

              They asked a question in good faith, and have since gotten it clarified. No need to be hostile.

            • @Gsus4@feddit.nl
              410 months ago

              Ok, so the imperial core is in DC to you, got it. The previous reply is more thoughtful than that.

          • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
            1710 months ago

            Another user already explained world systems theory, but there’s also the school of global historical materialism, that analyses the relationship and structure of the imperial core/triad and the periphery/global south. Samir Amin was a leading figure in that, he also coined the term “Eurocentrism”. You can find quite a few recordings of his lectures for free on YouTube, or pirate his books (he’s dead now, so it’s not like he’d get the money anyways).

        • @UnknownQuantity@lemm.ee
          610 months ago

          I’ve grown up under a communist government in a socialist republic. So while I have no degree in Marxism-Leninism, I can assure you that all of my schooling was infused with it. Same goes for most of popular culture. I don’t despise communism, as is often the case with people like me, the idea is noble, if utopian. The ideology, like all ideologies, is scary for its intolerance and disregard of human nature. I will therefore gatekeep any pure ideolog, just to save my own faith in humanity.

          • NormalC [he/him, comrade/them]
            210 months ago

            I’ve grown up under a communist government in a socialist republic…

            Huh? That’s a very roundabout way of describing a communist state. Where do you come from specifically? You can count communist states on your fingertips.

            ideology, like all ideologies, is scary for its intolerance and disregard of human nature…

            I don’t think that’s what the word “ideology” means. Also it’s dangerous and unproductive to off-handedly remark on “human nature.” It’s a bad faith psuedoscientific buzzword that’s rooted in uncontextualized historical analysis. Nothing happens in a vacuum.

            I will therefore gatekeep any pure ideolog, just to save my own faith in humanity.

            Again, I’m not quite sure what this means. I think you’re conflating a lot of things here that just don’t make sense and I dont want to make any assumptions about you. No community can ever be immune to reactionary politics, but thats not the same as rejecting “pure ideology”

            • @UnknownQuantity@lemm.ee
              710 months ago

              If you put down the thesaurus and actually think about things you will perhaps start to understand. I grew up in former Czechoslovakia until my adulthood under the rule of the communist party until we overthrew them in 1989. The effects of that time are still with me. The human nature that came to light during communist rule would make your hair stand on end. All in pursuit of ideology. You can’t comprehend what you’re advocating for further than some utopian theory you read.

        • @UnknownQuantity@lemm.ee
          310 months ago

          My apologies, I was generalising. I’ve had perfectly normal interactions with hexbear users, but I also saw a bunch of very circlejerky threads populated by hexbear users which I found unbearable (or should it be unhexbearable?).

            • @UnknownQuantity@lemm.ee
              110 months ago

              Thank you for your open minded approach. Obviously I don’t save posts or comments that annoy me, but now I see one of those as a response to my comment (large gif/jpg with no text). Earlier today I saw a post about brigading that was stupid, but I’m not throwing all hexbears into the same basket, a bunch of the comments were completely nuts. I couldn’t find it again, instead I found this one: https://hexbear.net/post/502637 Again, it’s not a crime, people can circlejerk however they want. What really annoys me is when I come across a post where I’m interested in reading people’s opinions one the subject and the comments are filled with stickers. Strangely enough no other community does that.

        • WhyEssEff [she/her]
          6810 months ago

          Drats! The one true leftist has figured out our ruse! For three whole years we’ve been meticulously crafting a safe space for queer and marginalized people to speak freely without condescension and infantilization from privileged folks, all as a bit, to eventually confuse users of a FOSS Reddit alternative. You got us. Pat yourself on the back. I can’t believe you figured it out.

        • Venus [she/her]
          6110 months ago

          Yeah, 4chan, known for being vehemently opposed to racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, and all other forms of bigotry. You can tell we’re all 4chan users because of how we’re literally the opposite of 4chan users in basically every way.

          • @CmdrShepard@lemmy.one
            10 months ago

            Right, just like how the Nazis were really socialists because they had “socialist” in the name.

            Your actions speak much louder than your words, and from what I’ve seen, you all love to spout facist and authoritarian ideals. Funny how you all bust out the concern trolling about minority groups and bigotry when called out on your actions, yet never defend these ideals in organic conversations where the topics actually come up.

        • AOCapitulator [they/them]
          5310 months ago

          we are about as far from 4chan as you can get, we’re just rude to losers like you who equate queer liberationist leftists with incel pedophile racists on 4chan

          Go fuck yourself!

          (P.S. This is why we’re rude sometimes, absolutely go and fuck yourself)

        • Magician [he/him, they/them]
          10 months ago

          How are we like 4chan users? We filter slurs and ban users who try to engage in hate speech. We offer content/NSFW warnings. We don’t doxx or send death threats and ban those who try.

          I want to know why you looked at Hexbear and saw 4chan.

          • JuneFall [none/use name]
            410 months ago

            I don’t say people trying to associate Hexbear and 4chan are fed posters, but I say that if I were a fedposting I would certainly try to make that association popular.

            • Magician [he/him, they/them]
              310 months ago

              Oh, full stop. I was just hoping I could get an answer about what they dislike about 4chan to use it as an insult against us. Because right now, it just seems like the tone. Not any of the other fucked up things on that image board.

        • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
          10 months ago


          I’ve never used that website, I’d imagine most hexbear users haven’t. We’re actually reddit refugees from 3 years ago, thank you very much 😤.

          Not like that’s much better lol.

          There’s no cosplay here, I can promise you that. I’m bi and communist, don’t know about other users. I know we have a sizeable amount of trans users as well. Pretty sure none of us are cosplaying as left of LGBT.

          • happybirthdaygonzolo [none/use name]
            1810 months ago

            I never used Reddit, I never listened to the podcast. I came here from a discord server lol. I’m basically without original sin here. I’m the perfect leftist.

        • Egon [they/them]
          10 months ago

          We’re to the left of you. Cope. Seethe. Communism or barbarism, and it’s pretty clear what you’re into

        • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
          10 months ago

          You got us, all of our theory reading groups, real life mutual aid, and threads about loving our trans comrades have all been part of an elaborate 3-year long running gag to trick you, the main character.

          • @imaqtpie@sh.itjust.worksM
            410 months ago

            And yet you would betray all of that work to ineffectively dunk on libs. Which motivation is truly the priority?

              • @imaqtpie@sh.itjust.worksM
                210 months ago

                I’m saying that all of your theory reading groups, real life mutual aid, and threads about loving your trans comrades are entirely insignificant in precipitating a communist society. Your behavior on Lemmy is actively pushing people away from communism as an ideology, and thus I question whether your users are truly committed to aiding the proletariat in their struggle.

                Marx would be ashamed of you people.

                • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
                  10 months ago

                  “Noo you can’t just be mean to bigots, you’re pushing people away from communism, noo why are you standing up for maligned and beseiged socialist countries, Marx would be ashamed of youu wojak-nooo

            • GarbageShoot [he/him]
              1210 months ago

              You’d need to establish an antagonistic relationship between the two before this remotely works as an own.

              • @imaqtpie@sh.itjust.worksM
                10 months ago

                Sure. The people who you are childishly attacking comprise the audience that you have been provided to spread your leftist ideals and accomplish your purported communist objectives. But instead of evangelizing, you choose to resort to mockery and snickering inside jokes, thereby ensuring that your isolated community never gains enough relevance to effect real change. It’s amazing to me that I have to spell this out for you, you should be abundantly aware after being defederated by the vast majority of other servers.

                Your entire shtick is a self-congratulatory circlejerk just for being on team “We Hate America”. That’s not communism, it’s teenage angst.

                • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
                  10 months ago

                  It’s so cute when libs project their purile lack of knowledge onto the people consistently tearing their imperial worldview apart

                • PaX [comrade/them, they/them]
                  10 months ago

                  What? No one on Hexbear is on it because we think we’re going to “effect real change” on here lol

                  Maybe you forget how isolated lemmy is in general. Even if we wanted to do that it’s not even possible. This is just our comfortable space in an ocean of online liberalism. We’re happy to discuss politics with people in good faith and it’s great if we can help educate people but pretty much everything important happens in real life, offline. So don’t act surprised when you’re met with mockery because you’ve accused us of betraying communism for not letting the bigots, transphobes, reactionaries, and libs talk down to us and insult us on the Internet in some naive attempt to “convert” them.

                  Also, we get along fine with most of the fediverse! I’m glad we’re still connected to lemmy.ml, lemm.ee, sdf, etc even though there can be a few bad actors. I’m not sure federating with your instance was a good idea though…

                  • @imaqtpie@sh.itjust.worksM
                    210 months ago

                    Fair enough. I think you’re delusional if you believe that your users are accomplishing anything important in real life, due to their terminally online status and lack of social graces, but sure.

                    It’s amazing to me that you don’t recognize that the internet has become the most powerful tool for social control in human history, and any attempt to counter the prevailing narrative will inevitably have to incorporate a digital component in order to succeed. But sure, Lemmy is just where you take out your frustrations on the libs after a hard day’s work ineffectively unionizing and canvassing for irrelevant leftist politicians. Good luck with that, you’re really making a difference 👏

        • brain_in_a_box [he/him]
          910 months ago

          Comments like this have really shown me that liberals don’t actually care about beliefs at all (hexbear having diametrically opposed beliefs to 4chan). They only care about tone.

          • @ruckblack@sh.itjust.works
            110 months ago

            Why yes, groups of people who act like a bunch of dogpiling 4chan trolls typically don’t have their beliefs respected or acknowledged. Tone is important. Glad we could help you come to that realization.

      • @Ghyste@sh.itjust.works
        410 months ago

        Understood. And I know there are groups on pretty much every instance that ruin things for everyone else. I don’t want to judge any full instance from the actions of a minority.

    • @Kecessa@sh.itjust.works
      10 months ago

      Lots of tankies from what I’m seeing, they’re the “alt-left” if you will, they believe in just as much weird stuff as the alt-right but are on the left side of the spectrum… Heck they end up meeting on many things…

      • Doubledee [comrade/them]
        5410 months ago

        Could you provide an example of Hexbears agreeing with the alt-right about something specific? I think a lot of people conflate “disagreeing with the liberal consensus” with “thinking a MAGA thing” when they’re really pretty different.

      • Kuori [she/her]
        4410 months ago

        Heck they end up meeting on many things…

        name literally a single one or quit spreading this bullshit.

              • Egon [they/them]
                1410 months ago

                While I think nay accusation of genocide should be taken seriously and investigated, I do not think we should accept these claims without basis, and we have to accept that despite several years of allegations, no proof has been provided. Both the US state department and the CIA have had to acknowledge that there is no genocide going on in Xinjiang. Here’s a carrd with mainly Western sources debunking the claims of genocide https://xinjiangahr.carrd.co/

                • @JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works
                  10 months ago

                  Both the US state department and the CIA have had to acknowledge that there is no genocide going on in Xinjiang

                  That’s very misleading. They say they have insufficient proof to say it is racially motivated. (Which is a prerequisite for genocide) But there is certainly great oppression happening there.

                  • Egon [they/them]
                    910 months ago

                    Both organisations have acknowledged that there is at the worst a cultural genocide going on - ie. An erasure of culture.
                    One can wonder how such a genocide is carried out, when the Uyghur language is still taught, Uyghur culture and language is still freely distributed and promoted and Uyghur people are a prominent part of the Chinese popular culture.
                    Your claim leads me to believe you did not engage with the sources provided to you.

              • Staines [he/him, they/them]
                10 months ago

                Why are you linking an actual propaganda thinktank as an example as of Uyghur Genocide?

                You could link any source, but you link one that is staffed by people who’s careers have been purely to lie about American’s enemies and push American interests?? I hope you’re a little sharper than that and you’re just linking that because you hope other people will swallow anything.


                Come on bud.

          • Venus [she/her]
            3310 months ago

            Denounce the US genocide against Martians right now or you’re a genocide denier.

        • @Kecessa@sh.itjust.works
          910 months ago

          Being pro Russia, genocide denialism, authoritarianism, being hateful of ideas that don’t conform to their worldview, racism (just not towards the same people), the list goes on and on.

          • Egon [they/them]
            3910 months ago

            Being anti-nato does not mean we are pro-russia.
            Specifically which genocide is being denied?
            Define “authoritarianism”.
            Yes we are hateful towards racism, sexism, ableism, transphobia, homophobia and fascism.
            What racism is being done by hexbear users? The mod team takes such things very seriously

          • PaX [comrade/them, they/them]
            3510 months ago

            Hey, I’m a Hexbear user and I really think you have the wrong impression of what our site is. Idk if you’re open to reconsidering or if you’re just trying to get a few antagonistic words in but I’ll tell you my experience as a long time user:

            Being pro Russia

            Our site isn’t pro-russia. We just want the war to come to a swift end without any further bloodshed. Some people take offense to that because we don’t think the best way to do that is to send more guns, tanks, planes, dollars, etc into the warzone. That benefits no one except the arms manufacturers and the money lenders. Not regular people on either side.

            genocide denialism

            The only thing I can think of that you would be referring to is the “holodomor” or something similar that happened in the USSR. It’s not that we deny that many people did die in these horrible tragedies or that there wasn’t Soviet government involvement in some of them but that these very real events are being distorted for political reasons by people who want to paint the USSR in a certain, wholly bad, light. As communists (or anarchists), we try to be very open to criticism and new ways of thinking about or doing things but not when the intent is to do historical revisionism to make the people who liberated the concentration camps and ended the crimes of Nazism seem like Nazis under a different name.


            Well, I guess this is true in a way. As revolutionists, we do seek to change the system by establishing a new authority with the capability to make this change. But have you ever noticed how the current system maintains and perpetuates itself? Sure, you can vote (and we don’t seek to abolish that!), but when that fails and working-class people take to the streets seeking change, why is it that people with guns and tear gas and riot shields try to stop them and maybe even imprison them? It’s not that leftists are uniquely “authoritarian” but that we want to use that authority for representing regular, working-class people and to bring about a better world where that authority isn’t necessary anymore. Our anarchist users probably have a somewhat different take on this but one of them will have to talk about it lol

            being hateful of ideas that don’t conform to their worldview

            Sure, there are a lot of ideas that we hate. But isn’t that everyone? I hope we could all agree on hating things like fascism, racism, sexism, transphobia, etc etc. Our users probably feel more strongly about that than most people lol but that’s just cuz a lot of us have been targets of those kinds of ideas. Other than stuff like that though… this site has been one of the most accepting places on the Internet in my experience. Sure, we argue a lot (sometimes too zealously lol), but just cuz we care a lot about getting things right. On our site, we don’t have downvotes to encourage users to actually challenge bad ideas and voice their opinion instead of just feeling satisfied having slightly influenced an algorithm.

            racism (just not towards the same people)

            This just hasn’t been my experience and I know most of our users would agree. Racism gets swiftly removed on Hexbear and lots of people replying challenging it. Do you have any examples? This has just been so contrary to my time on the site. Unless you mean jokes about white people but I hope I don’t have to explain why that’s not a problem lol

            Anyway, I just want our instances and our users to exist together in peace. I know we have very “different” ideas from what is considered the mainstream in the west and on most of the English-speaking internet but I know our presence on the “fediverse” can be a positive thing and that we can get along. I hope this helps you to understand our site a bit better.

            • @MonkCanatella@sh.itjust.works
              810 months ago

              The whole “we want to end the war” argument just reeks. It stinks of russian propaganda. Russia started the war. They invaded Ukraine. Would you have the same viewpoint if the US was the invader? I’ve seen that comment several times and it kinda starts sounding like a red fascist dogwhistle

            • @hakase@lemm.ee
              10 months ago

              Unless by racism you mean racism but I hope I don’t have to explain why racism isn’t a problem lol


              • PaX [comrade/them, they/them]
                10 months ago

                Do you think “anti-white racism” is even remotely as bad as other forms of racism? Or even a problem at all? White people already have all the privileges bestowed upon them by a fundamentally white-supremacist society. Making fun of this concept on our tiny social media website isn’t hurting anyone.

                • @hakase@lemm.ee
                  10 months ago

                  Do you think “anti-white racism” is even remotely as bad as other forms of racism?

                  In the vast majority of cases, no, not even close.

                  Or even a problem at all?

                  It’s 100% a problem, for multiple reasons. First and foremost, it’s racist, so it’s already inherently a problem for that reason alone. But it’s also a problem because your [hexbear’s] moralistic self-righteousness combined with your [hexbear’s] obvious hypocrisy gives people opposed to your ideals that much more ammunition (and of course you don’t care about that, but that itself is also part of the hexbear problem).

                  And the worst part is that, as with so many of hexbear’s problems, there’s no reason for it. It’s such an easy problem to fix, and would give an instance like hexbear that supposedly prides itself on its inclusivity such a huge boost in credibility. If you want to set yourselves up as morally unimpeachable, then be morally unimpeachable! Set an actual example, and be leaders that bring people together, not because of compromising your beliefs, but by actually being consistent, steadfast, and intellectually honest about the beliefs you already have.

                  And sure, I get the importance of having a place where you can feel comfortable and meme hyperbolically about problems you feel are important, and about the people who don’t agree with you. That seems to be the direction that most hexbears seem to want to go.

                  But, in the end, it is racist, and it is disingenuous to promote yourselves as this bastion of anti-racism while encouraging literal racism on your instance and then act all surprised pikachu face when you get called out on it.

                  • PaX [comrade/them, they/them]
                    10 months ago

                    It’s 100% a problem, for multiple reasons. First and foremost, it’s racist, so it’s already inherently a problem for that reason alone.

                    Nothing is “inherently” anything. What makes, for example, anti-black (as contrary to anti-white) racism bad in spaces like this? It furthers the psychological harm caused by the racist material conditions of white-supremacist society and normalizes these conditions. Racist rhetoric is part of the superstructural justification for these conditions that makes the oppressor feel superior and the oppressed feel inferior and like they deserve it. This contradiction does not exist for white people and that is why anti-white racism effectively does not exist, except maybe beyond a limited level in inter-personal relationships. It might make individual white people feel a little bad but it has no material backing.

                    But it’s also a problem because your [hexbear’s] moralistic self-righteousness

                    I’m not the one pearl-clutching over anti-white racism.

                    combined with your [hexbear’s] obvious hypocrisy gives people opposed to your ideals that much more ammunition (and of course you don’t care about that, but that itself is also part of the hexbear problem).

                    This issue doesn’t really give anyone “more ammunition” against us. Part of the reason we do keep these kinds of jokes around (besides being funny) is because it tends to out reactionaries (like how you are being right now).

                    And the worst part is that, as with so many of hexbear’s problems, there’s no reason for it. It’s such an easy problem to fix, and would give an instance like hexbear that supposedly prides itself on its inclusivity such a huge boost in credibility.

                    I’m pretty sure most of the people making “cracker” jokes on here are white themselves. I don’t think Hexbear is known as the “anti-white” instance lol

                    And sure, I get the importance of having a place where you can feel comfortable and meme hyperbolically about problems you feel are important, and about the people who don’t agree with you. That seems to be the direction that most hexbears seem to want to go.

                    Yeah, I mean that’s pretty much what Hexbear is. I don’t think anyone here would want to be “morally-unimpeachable leaders” or even to what end that would be.

          • somename [she/her]
            2310 months ago

            No one here is pro Russia lol. We just recognize that the war in Ukraine is an intractable meat grinder, and working for peace is more productive than continuing the conflict in an effort to further enrich War Contractors.

        • YeetPics
          610 months ago

          Woah woah woah, calm down there chief.

          I have that same opinion having seen hexbear posts for the past 6 months. It’s not invalid because it makes you upset.

    • BarrierWithAshes
      10 months ago

      If you’re familiar with CTH and the dirtbag left, Hexbear is where they went after being banned by Reddit.

      For what it is when lemm.ee considered de-federated from them they flooded the instance turning a 200 comment thread into 1200. And lots of harassment. Edit: In case you wanted to read that clusterbomb of a thread: https://lemm.ee/post/4543536

          • Egon [they/them]
            2210 months ago

            The website is a collection of sources with links gathered by a hexbear user because we got sick of having to do this song and dance every time. You can literally go interact with each link and each source individually - they all state where each claim comes from

            • @JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works
              710 months ago

              Hmm, looks like the response to the un report is some guy on Twitter. And he seems to mostly handwave a ton of eyewitness testimony and investigations because they’re from western governments.

              • Egon [they/them]
                2010 months ago

                You mean the dude pointing out how there’s no first hand sources, the report is making use of unofficial translations and the report is in part based on observations made by the us army? Seems like a bit more than just “handwaving” eyewitness testimony to me.

                • @JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works
                  610 months ago

                  What do you mean no first hand sources? I thought those were the the eyewitness that he dismissed because some of them hadn’t talked to people about their traumatic experiences before talking to the UN.

                  I’m not bothered by the translations. An office translation would need to be by China, right? So they’d have a motive to mistranslate to downplay what they’re doing. As long as the original documents as well as the translations are available, it should be easy enough to check the translation accuracy.

      • JuneFall [none/use name]
        610 months ago

        I went into the thread. You defended Nazis and argued that it makes sense that the FRG (west Germany) had so many Nazis in control of the government, police, judicative, and companies. While there were alternatives (believe me as someone living in Germany and having informed myself about that I know it). You also moved your goal posts and tried to diminish influences of other states i.e. the US (which you nationalist rise above others). All in all you would be okay in the instance, but get back lash when you kept up the way to jump from one to the other.

        That you try to ignore those actions and the responses to your comments fits that lemmy users arguing against hexbear are deflecting heavily from their own responsibility and their own actions.

        Your points in regards to both Russia&Ukraine are also not true (else you would directly link to it, and then there is no consensus in the hexbear userbase neither) and liking the CFR article is also not showing anything about hexbear (who - if you do search for it - are actually linking the UN report as well as the Chinese answer in regards to the Uigurs in their threads and comments about it).

        • @JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works
          410 months ago

          They’re coming here. They’ve all got their pronouns after their names, (which is actually a great idea) so it’s a little easier to tell them apart. I’ve got a useless thread with a few in memes@lemmy.ml right now.

          • sapient [they/them]
            10 months ago

            It’s frustrating, because I have pronouns after my name and I dislike hexbear… a lot. It is a good idea to have users give pronouns and automatically attach it.

            Their behaviour has made me constantly check if people with pronouns after their names are part of hexbear before engaging in any threads, because of the stress of dealing with them :/, sometimes I do engage anyway and immediately regret it /shrug

            It is depressing, because normally using pronouns like this indicates trans supportiveness so I feel better about conversing with people with them on their names. Hexbear has ruined this because of their behaviour around all other topics and sometimes trans topics.

            Just hope Jerboa gets instance-blocking features soon ;p, then I can block them on both my lemmy accounts .