If so, was it polled somewhere?

  • @Kecessa@sh.itjust.works
    11 months ago

    Lots of tankies from what I’m seeing, they’re the “alt-left” if you will, they believe in just as much weird stuff as the alt-right but are on the left side of the spectrum… Heck they end up meeting on many things…

    • Doubledee [comrade/them]
      5411 months ago

      Could you provide an example of Hexbears agreeing with the alt-right about something specific? I think a lot of people conflate “disagreeing with the liberal consensus” with “thinking a MAGA thing” when they’re really pretty different.

    • Kuori [she/her]
      4410 months ago

      Heck they end up meeting on many things…

      name literally a single one or quit spreading this bullshit.

            • Egon [they/them]
              1410 months ago

              While I think nay accusation of genocide should be taken seriously and investigated, I do not think we should accept these claims without basis, and we have to accept that despite several years of allegations, no proof has been provided. Both the US state department and the CIA have had to acknowledge that there is no genocide going on in Xinjiang. Here’s a carrd with mainly Western sources debunking the claims of genocide https://xinjiangahr.carrd.co/

              • @JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works
                10 months ago

                Both the US state department and the CIA have had to acknowledge that there is no genocide going on in Xinjiang

                That’s very misleading. They say they have insufficient proof to say it is racially motivated. (Which is a prerequisite for genocide) But there is certainly great oppression happening there.

                • Egon [they/them]
                  910 months ago

                  Both organisations have acknowledged that there is at the worst a cultural genocide going on - ie. An erasure of culture.
                  One can wonder how such a genocide is carried out, when the Uyghur language is still taught, Uyghur culture and language is still freely distributed and promoted and Uyghur people are a prominent part of the Chinese popular culture.
                  Your claim leads me to believe you did not engage with the sources provided to you.

                  • @JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works
                    110 months ago

                    Forced sterilisation (birth rates are down 60% vs about 10% for the rest of China) and forceful reeducation? They don’t care about the language as much as the shared cultural identity separate from China.

            • Staines [he/him, they/them]
              10 months ago

              Why are you linking an actual propaganda thinktank as an example as of Uyghur Genocide?

              You could link any source, but you link one that is staffed by people who’s careers have been purely to lie about American’s enemies and push American interests?? I hope you’re a little sharper than that and you’re just linking that because you hope other people will swallow anything.


              Come on bud.

        • Venus [she/her]
          3310 months ago

          Denounce the US genocide against Martians right now or you’re a genocide denier.

      • @Kecessa@sh.itjust.works
        910 months ago

        Being pro Russia, genocide denialism, authoritarianism, being hateful of ideas that don’t conform to their worldview, racism (just not towards the same people), the list goes on and on.

        • Egon [they/them]
          3910 months ago

          Being anti-nato does not mean we are pro-russia.
          Specifically which genocide is being denied?
          Define “authoritarianism”.
          Yes we are hateful towards racism, sexism, ableism, transphobia, homophobia and fascism.
          What racism is being done by hexbear users? The mod team takes such things very seriously

        • PaX [comrade/them, they/them]
          3510 months ago

          Hey, I’m a Hexbear user and I really think you have the wrong impression of what our site is. Idk if you’re open to reconsidering or if you’re just trying to get a few antagonistic words in but I’ll tell you my experience as a long time user:

          Being pro Russia

          Our site isn’t pro-russia. We just want the war to come to a swift end without any further bloodshed. Some people take offense to that because we don’t think the best way to do that is to send more guns, tanks, planes, dollars, etc into the warzone. That benefits no one except the arms manufacturers and the money lenders. Not regular people on either side.

          genocide denialism

          The only thing I can think of that you would be referring to is the “holodomor” or something similar that happened in the USSR. It’s not that we deny that many people did die in these horrible tragedies or that there wasn’t Soviet government involvement in some of them but that these very real events are being distorted for political reasons by people who want to paint the USSR in a certain, wholly bad, light. As communists (or anarchists), we try to be very open to criticism and new ways of thinking about or doing things but not when the intent is to do historical revisionism to make the people who liberated the concentration camps and ended the crimes of Nazism seem like Nazis under a different name.


          Well, I guess this is true in a way. As revolutionists, we do seek to change the system by establishing a new authority with the capability to make this change. But have you ever noticed how the current system maintains and perpetuates itself? Sure, you can vote (and we don’t seek to abolish that!), but when that fails and working-class people take to the streets seeking change, why is it that people with guns and tear gas and riot shields try to stop them and maybe even imprison them? It’s not that leftists are uniquely “authoritarian” but that we want to use that authority for representing regular, working-class people and to bring about a better world where that authority isn’t necessary anymore. Our anarchist users probably have a somewhat different take on this but one of them will have to talk about it lol

          being hateful of ideas that don’t conform to their worldview

          Sure, there are a lot of ideas that we hate. But isn’t that everyone? I hope we could all agree on hating things like fascism, racism, sexism, transphobia, etc etc. Our users probably feel more strongly about that than most people lol but that’s just cuz a lot of us have been targets of those kinds of ideas. Other than stuff like that though… this site has been one of the most accepting places on the Internet in my experience. Sure, we argue a lot (sometimes too zealously lol), but just cuz we care a lot about getting things right. On our site, we don’t have downvotes to encourage users to actually challenge bad ideas and voice their opinion instead of just feeling satisfied having slightly influenced an algorithm.

          racism (just not towards the same people)

          This just hasn’t been my experience and I know most of our users would agree. Racism gets swiftly removed on Hexbear and lots of people replying challenging it. Do you have any examples? This has just been so contrary to my time on the site. Unless you mean jokes about white people but I hope I don’t have to explain why that’s not a problem lol

          Anyway, I just want our instances and our users to exist together in peace. I know we have very “different” ideas from what is considered the mainstream in the west and on most of the English-speaking internet but I know our presence on the “fediverse” can be a positive thing and that we can get along. I hope this helps you to understand our site a bit better.

          • @MonkCanatella@sh.itjust.works
            810 months ago

            The whole “we want to end the war” argument just reeks. It stinks of russian propaganda. Russia started the war. They invaded Ukraine. Would you have the same viewpoint if the US was the invader? I’ve seen that comment several times and it kinda starts sounding like a red fascist dogwhistle

            • spectre [he/him]
              2210 months ago

              The war did not start in 2022, your analysis of what has been happening before the invasion needs to go back before that.

                  • ReadFanon [any, any]
                    1510 months ago

                    It was a low-key civil war, make no mistake about it.

                    Your government doesn’t just allow armed, organised (largely ultranationalist) paramilitary groups to conduct ethnically-motivated attacks on its own soil without their tacit approval, especially not when those same paramilitary groups tended to get absorbed into the state military forces later on.

                    This isn’t the wild west were talking here.

                    Fuck, if a protest action in your own country can deploy the pointy end of the state against you immediately then the civil war against the easternmost part of Ukraine could have had a police/military response within days rather than leaving it to play out over literal years.

          • @hakase@lemm.ee
            10 months ago

            Unless by racism you mean racism but I hope I don’t have to explain why racism isn’t a problem lol


            • PaX [comrade/them, they/them]
              10 months ago

              Do you think “anti-white racism” is even remotely as bad as other forms of racism? Or even a problem at all? White people already have all the privileges bestowed upon them by a fundamentally white-supremacist society. Making fun of this concept on our tiny social media website isn’t hurting anyone.

              • @hakase@lemm.ee
                10 months ago

                Do you think “anti-white racism” is even remotely as bad as other forms of racism?

                In the vast majority of cases, no, not even close.

                Or even a problem at all?

                It’s 100% a problem, for multiple reasons. First and foremost, it’s racist, so it’s already inherently a problem for that reason alone. But it’s also a problem because your [hexbear’s] moralistic self-righteousness combined with your [hexbear’s] obvious hypocrisy gives people opposed to your ideals that much more ammunition (and of course you don’t care about that, but that itself is also part of the hexbear problem).

                And the worst part is that, as with so many of hexbear’s problems, there’s no reason for it. It’s such an easy problem to fix, and would give an instance like hexbear that supposedly prides itself on its inclusivity such a huge boost in credibility. If you want to set yourselves up as morally unimpeachable, then be morally unimpeachable! Set an actual example, and be leaders that bring people together, not because of compromising your beliefs, but by actually being consistent, steadfast, and intellectually honest about the beliefs you already have.

                And sure, I get the importance of having a place where you can feel comfortable and meme hyperbolically about problems you feel are important, and about the people who don’t agree with you. That seems to be the direction that most hexbears seem to want to go.

                But, in the end, it is racist, and it is disingenuous to promote yourselves as this bastion of anti-racism while encouraging literal racism on your instance and then act all surprised pikachu face when you get called out on it.

                • PaX [comrade/them, they/them]
                  10 months ago

                  It’s 100% a problem, for multiple reasons. First and foremost, it’s racist, so it’s already inherently a problem for that reason alone.

                  Nothing is “inherently” anything. What makes, for example, anti-black (as contrary to anti-white) racism bad in spaces like this? It furthers the psychological harm caused by the racist material conditions of white-supremacist society and normalizes these conditions. Racist rhetoric is part of the superstructural justification for these conditions that makes the oppressor feel superior and the oppressed feel inferior and like they deserve it. This contradiction does not exist for white people and that is why anti-white racism effectively does not exist, except maybe beyond a limited level in inter-personal relationships. It might make individual white people feel a little bad but it has no material backing.

                  But it’s also a problem because your [hexbear’s] moralistic self-righteousness

                  I’m not the one pearl-clutching over anti-white racism.

                  combined with your [hexbear’s] obvious hypocrisy gives people opposed to your ideals that much more ammunition (and of course you don’t care about that, but that itself is also part of the hexbear problem).

                  This issue doesn’t really give anyone “more ammunition” against us. Part of the reason we do keep these kinds of jokes around (besides being funny) is because it tends to out reactionaries (like how you are being right now).

                  And the worst part is that, as with so many of hexbear’s problems, there’s no reason for it. It’s such an easy problem to fix, and would give an instance like hexbear that supposedly prides itself on its inclusivity such a huge boost in credibility.

                  I’m pretty sure most of the people making “cracker” jokes on here are white themselves. I don’t think Hexbear is known as the “anti-white” instance lol

                  And sure, I get the importance of having a place where you can feel comfortable and meme hyperbolically about problems you feel are important, and about the people who don’t agree with you. That seems to be the direction that most hexbears seem to want to go.

                  Yeah, I mean that’s pretty much what Hexbear is. I don’t think anyone here would want to be “morally-unimpeachable leaders” or even to what end that would be.

              • @Kecessa@sh.itjust.works
                10 months ago

                Really? Go tell that to Jews… Or the Irish… Or Acadians (heck, french Canadians in general)… The list goes on and on…

                • Egon [they/them]
                  1010 months ago

                  You mean all the people that weren’t classified as “white” as they suffered persecution by white people? Okay

                  • @Kecessa@sh.itjust.works
                    10 months ago

                    Oh so the definition of being white varies now? People are dermofluid or something? “I’m white skinned but I’m not white.”

                    Also it’s still happening today but you would never admit that a white French Canadian or an Irish can be the victim of racism because their skin color somehow makes them immune to it or some shit.

                  • @Kecessa@sh.itjust.works
                    510 months ago

                    Would you also say that black people can’t be racist towards other black people? 'cuz some people in Rwanda would love to have a discussion with you I’m sure! Heck, Haitians would love to talk about Dominicans with you!

        • somename [she/her]
          2310 months ago

          No one here is pro Russia lol. We just recognize that the war in Ukraine is an intractable meat grinder, and working for peace is more productive than continuing the conflict in an effort to further enrich War Contractors.

      • YeetPics
        610 months ago

        Woah woah woah, calm down there chief.

        I have that same opinion having seen hexbear posts for the past 6 months. It’s not invalid because it makes you upset.